You’ll Be Amazed At How Much Pugs Shed And How to Stop It

If you’re a new Pug parent, then you’re probably thinking “my Pug is shedding like crazy.” You’re probably wondering do Pug’s shed? Yes, the Pug dog sheds heavily.

Pugs shed year-round, whereas most other dogs shed seasonally. All dogs go through a three-step process of hair growth, rest, and loss. The Pug breed tends to go through this cycle a lot faster than other dogs big or small.

In this article, you’re going to learn why Pugs shed, what’s normal and not so normal, tips to help you control the shedding problem. The Pug fur problem leads to many questions among pet owners everywhere.

do pugs shed

Related: Best Shampoo For Pugs

Related: Best Dog Brushes For Pugs

I’ll also share some dog breeds that don’t shed so much, in case you decide the Pug dog is not the right breed for you or if you have allergies.

But first, let’s take a closer look at the Pug hair so you can understand why this breed sheds so much, and yes, even Pugs can suffer from hair loss.

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Why Do Pugs Shed So Much?

There are several reasons Pugs shed, the biggest one being that most light-colored Pugs (fawn, apricot, some black, silver-fawn, and apricot fawn) have double coats.

Meaning they have a soft inner layer coat and a short outer layer coat. This causes them to shed a lot more than dogs that have a single layer coat.

If you’ve ever pet a Pug, then you know they have a lot of short thick hair.

Whether they have a single or double-layer coat, their hairs are tightly packed, in fact, there are 600 hairs in every square inch of your Pug.

Most other dogs have 100 to 200 hairs per square inch of hairs per inch. The more hairs per inch on a dog will cause more shedding problems.

Finally, all mammals go through a 3 step process for shedding hair and they are:

  1. Growth
  2. Rest
  3. Shed

This 3 step cycle moves at a faster pace on the Pugs than other dog breeds.

How Much Do Pugs Shed?

Pug shedding
There are several reasons that some Pugs shed more than others.

As I mentioned, this dog sheds year-round. However, you’ll notice some different elements that can affect when and how much hair your pooch loses.

If you have a better understanding of what causes a Pug to shed, you’ll know what you have control of and what you can’t.

Puppy Hair

If you’ve ever thought “my puppy is shedding like crazy,” you’re probably not crazy. Puppies tend to shed more when their coat is transitioning from a puppy to an adult coat.

You’ll start noticing the changes in their first year, once they are around 3 months old.

As long as you don’t see bald spots, or losing hair in clumps (find out what causes this below) your Pug is fine and going through a normal process.

The only thing you can do is invest in a good pet vacuum to help you keep your house clean.

Once your puppy becomes an adult and reaches 1 to 1.5 years old, the shedding problem just becomes worse.


The Pug shedding season lasts year-round, but like other dog breeds, they shed, even more, when the weather starts warming up. This is the time period that all dogs start losing their winter coat.

Pugs also tend to shed quite a bit when their coat starts getting ready for the winter. Their coat tends to become thicker to help insulate them from the cold weather.

Coat Color

Believe it or not, but the color of Pug you get can determine the amount of dog fur you’ll find around your home. Many people have said that black Pugs shed less.

So if you can’t stand dog hair all over your home, you may want to consider the color of your Pug’s coat before you bring them home.


Allergies are known to cause dogs to shed more than others. Pugs are prone to allergies, in fact, they can be allergic to household cleaning products, pet shampoos, pollen, pest bites, certain dog food brands, and etc.

If your pooch seems to be losing a lot of hair all of a sudden or licking excessively. They could be dealing with allergies.

You’ll want to consult your veterinarian so they can run some tests to help determine what’s causing your pooch to lose more hair than usual.

Female Hormone Cycles

Non-spayed females will go through heat cycles, that can cause hormonal changes in the body. You’ll notice more shedding problems at when the heat cycle starts winding down.

While you can’t stop your Pug from shedding, spaying your Pug will stop those heat cycles. Unfortunately, she’ll still shed, but you can manage it with proper bathing and grooming.


If you’ve ever bathed a Pug, then you know they will lose tons of hair during their bath. This tends to happen because you’re massaging and scrubbing areas on your dog that a brush may not be able to reach.

The massing motion helps loosen up your dog’s hair, while the dog shampoo breaks up the natural oils on the skin that were trapping the dead hairs on your dog’s coat.

Regular bathing is a great way to help remove dead hair from your Pugs coat and keep it shiny and healthy.

Do All Pugs Shed?

Yes, there is no getting away from the fact that the Pug shedding level is high, regardless of color. That being said, many black Pug owners have said that their black Pugs shed less.

The reason being is that black Pugs only have one layer of fur coat, while the fawn-colored Pugs have a double coat of fur.

Related: Do Pugs Have Fur Or Hair?

How To Reduce The Pug Shedding Problem?

Maybe you’ve wondered “how to keep a Pug from shedding all over your clothes and furniture?” Well, you’re not alone, Pugs shed a lot and I know how hard it can be to stop Fido from shedding, actually, it’s not even possible to do.

As a Pug owner, all you can do is learn how to control or manage the shedding problem.

Here are some tips that will help you control the issue. I’ll explain them further below, in case you don’t want to watch the video.

Pug Shedding Control Tips

These tips will help you manage, reduce the shedding problem in this breed. As I mentioned above, there’s no way to completely stop it.

But if you follow these tips, you will notice a big difference in the amount of hair around your house


Your Pug’s overall health is dependent on a high-quality diet. It is also one of the best ways to reduce excessive shedding. Here are some of the best dog foods specially designed for this small breed.

Look for foods that provide omega-3 rich salmon or tuna oil to help improve their coat.

Avoid cheap dog food that is made with fillers and your pooch has trouble digesting, such as foods made mostly with grains or corn.

These foods not only cause your Pug to shed more but maybe the reason your pooch is always hungry.

A poor diet will not only cause your Pug to shed more but can cause other health issues.

Related: Best Fresh Cooked Food For Pugs (Customized Diet)

Omega-3 And 6 Fatty Acids

Make sure that your Pug has access to high-quality dog food or nutritional supplements to help manage the shedding problem.

You can also use nutritional products such as Shed-X Dermaplex a nutritional supplement for dogs. It contains the proper balance of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty acids, as well as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants to help your Pugs coat stay in optimal condition.

All you have to do is add 1 tablespoon for every 20 pounds to their food. Give it some time and you’ll notice your Pug shedding less and a much healthier coat.

You can also add some olive oil or flaxseed to your dog’s diet instead.

Before giving your dog any supplements, it’s wise to consult with your veterinarian.

Switch Up Their Snacks With Human Food

Pugs love to eat and some human food such as sliced apples, (without the seeds), bananas, cucumbers, cooked lean meats, (no chicken bones), can help help your Pug not only shed less but stay hydrated.

It’s important to remember that human food or snacks should only be around 5-10% of your dog’s daily allotted calories. They should get 90% of their calories from high-quality dog food.

Many human foods are beneficial to your dog’s health. However, there are also some human foods that can be toxic to your pooch.

Here’s a list of foods you should never give your pooch. (source)

Fresh Clean Water

Make sure that your Pug has access to clean fresh water and is drinking enough of it.

Dehydration can cause excessive shedding, dry skin, and even illness. I’ve written an article to help you get your Pug to drink more water.

Regular Brushing and Grooming

Every Pug owner needs a good brush to help them properly brush both coat layers on their dog. You’ll want to invest in a brush that can get deep enough in your Pug’s coat to remove the dead hairs that are stuck.

Daily brushing will help eliminate the amount of hair you find throughout your house and furniture. The dead trapped hair can block new hair follicles from growing and the oil in the dead hairs can get smelly if not removed.

It’s best to brush your Pug outside as this will eliminate the amount of hair you get in your house.

Your Pug should also be groomed thoroughly at least once a month.

Control The Shedding In Your Home

No one wants to live in a house that not only smells but has dog hair everywhere you look. After all, the more you notice the dog hair, the more it will both you. Make sure you read this post to more in-depth tips to keep your home clean and free from dog hair.

If you own a Pug, your closet should have a brook, wet/dry mop, pet vacuum, and several lint brushes for your clothing.

Most people work a regular day job and it’s not realistic for you to vacuum every day. However, you should spend time vacuuming at least weekly, to get the hairs out as soon as possible.

The longer the hair sits in your carpets, the harder it will be to get them out.

Lint rollers will be your best friend as a Pug owner. These rollers will help you get dog hair out of your clothing, couches, beds, or padded furniture.

Look for a vacuum that is specifically designed for pet owners. These will have detachable tools that can clean hard to reach places, even your stair landings where hair can hide without you knowing.

How Do You Stop A Pug From Shedding?

Unfortunately, there is no way to stop a Pug from shedding. It’s just a normal part of life for this breed. As a Pug parent, you’ll have to spend time sweeping, and cleaning every surface they come into contact with.

After reading this article, you should know if this is the right breed for you.

If you don’t think that you can deal with the Pug double coat, you may want to look at some breeds that don’t shed a lot.

Here are 10 dog breeds that don’t shed as much:

  1. Tibetan Terrier
  2. Maltese Terrier
  3. Shih Tzu
  4. Poodle (Standard, Toy, and Miniature)
  5. Bichon Frise
  6. Havanese
  7. Scottish Terrier
  8. Labradoodle
  9. Yorkshire Terrier
  10. Boxer

This is just a small list of both small breeds and larger breeds that don’t shed. Check out this site for a bigger list of both small, medium, and large breeds that don’t shed.

Final Word On Pug Dog Shedding

I had my Pug for 16 years and they were some great years. I still have all the memories of Mindy and those will never go away. Yes, she shed quite a bit, but the unconditional love you get from a Pug makes it worth it.

I’ve done my best to provide you with some tips to help manage the shedding problem. With regularly brushing and grooming, you can definitely manage the excessive shedding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Pugs Have Hair or Fur? Pugs have fur, and while there isn’t much of a difference, it’s important to know how to care for your Pug’s fur.

How do I stop my pug from shedding? Unfortunately, there is no way to completely stop the shedding issue. If you follow the advice on this article, you can control much they shed. Pugs are just known to shed year-round, this is why it’s so important to groom them on a regular basis.

Do pugs shed more in the summer? This breed sheds 365 days out of the year. However, like other dogs, they tend to shed more when the weather gets warmer and they start losing their winter coat.

Do Chihuahua Pugs shed? Since they are a mix and contain some pug heritage, it is likely they will shed as well.  You’ll want to make sure that you brush the chug coat daily to control the shedding issue.

How often do Pugs shed? Basically, this breed sheds all year round. There are certain seasons and elements that can cause them to shed more.

Do Black Pugs shed? All Pugs shed regardless of color. However, black Pugs are known to shed less, especially, if they do not have a double coat. Most black Pugs only have a single-layered coat (the top coat) and this is what causes them to shed less.

References And Further Reading

Pet Guide – Kate Barrington – What Is A Double Coat Dog?

Black Pug Site