How To Get My Pug To Drink More Water In 14 Easy Steps

You’ve properly been wondering “is my Pug drinking enough water?” Well, in this post, I’ll tell you how to get your Pug to drink more water, with actionable tips you can implement right now.

How to Get My Pug To Drink More Water

One of the best ways to get your Pug to drink more water is to keep a variety of water bowls in different places around the house. Stick to the style of bowl you know they like. If your pooch still doesn’t drink enough water, try switching the bowl.

Before you implement any of the steps below, you want to make sure that your dog doesn’t have any signs of serious health.

how to get my pug to drink more water

Some dogs will stop drinking water if they are not feeling good or have a medical condition that has caused them to stop drinking water.

Okay, now let’s discuss some other actionable steps you can use to get your dog to drink more water.

#1 Teach Your Dog The Word “Drink”

Pugs are smart dogs and just like you can teach them to sit, lie down, come and etc. You can also teach your dog to drink on command.

No matter how old your dog is, start associating the word “drink” with water. As soon as your dog starts drinking, say “drink” and then give him or her plenty of praise. You can even consider rewarding them with a treat for good behavior.

Don’t be scared to overdo it on the praise. Whenever your pooch drinks from their clean water bowl, say “drink” and get down on your knees and pet them and say “great job” or “good girl.”

Either way, let them know you’re happy and approve of the new behavior.

Using positive reinforcement works every time whether you’re trying to teach your pooch to sit, stay, play or no begging. It all boils down to the tone in your voice, after all, Pugs just want to please their owners.

#2 Change The Water Frequently

Just like you and I, your dog does not want to drink water that has been sitting around for days. We like nice cold water because it just tastes better right?

Well, your dog is the same way. However, they don’t need ice cubes or lemon in their water.

You just need to make sure that the water is clean, cool and doesn’t have any debris in it. Yes, I said debris.

If your dog drinks directly after eating, it’s no unusual to see little pieces of food floating around inside their water. Make sure that you’re changing their water at least 2-3 times per day. It could be more on hot days.

#3 Purchase A Dog Water Fountain

If you don’t have time to change the water frequently, then a dog water fountain can help you out. It is designed to circulate and filter water, so it stays cleaner and tastes fresher.

Some dogs tend to drink more because they love drinking from the running water. My sister-in-law has a fountain and her dogs love it.

She says since she got the dog water fountain, her dogs drink more water and she doesn’t have to replenish it as often.

#4 Always Carry Your Dog’s Water With You

Whether you’re taking your Pug for a walk around the park, dog park, or for a Sunday drive. Take their doggie bag with a stack of dog biscuits, a portable water bowl, and some fresh water.

Your dog will be much happier and you won’t have to worry about them not drinking enough water. Whenever we took Mindy with us anywhere, we always carried a portable water bowl like this.

Make sure that you offer your dog water every 10 or 20 minutes. Don’t forget to say the word “drink Fido” so they’ll understand what you want them to do.

If your dog drinks on the go, it’ll be much easier to get him to drink while they are at home.

#5 Make The Water Easily Accessible

If your dog has outgrown their puppy bowl or if you have a senior dog, maybe you are using the wrong bowl?

Veterinarian Patrick Mahaney, says that Brachycephalic dogs like Pugs find it hard to drink out of narrow bowls and deep bowls. Wider and shallow bowls are much better for Pugs, Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs or other short-headed breeds.

This is what we used to use for Mindy and she loved it. In fact, we had to take her bowl with us whenever we went anywhere overnight because she wouldn’t drink out of anything else.

#6 Get Your Pug Moving With Exercise

The goal is to get your dog panting and lose moisture. When we exercise, we’re more likely to drink more water.

If Fido is just laying around sleeping and not as active as she could be, then she won’t build up a thirst. Pugs don’t need a lot of daily exercise, but you should make sure that you’re walking your pooch daily, even if you just take them for a quick walk.

You can even take them to the dog park and let them roam around and play with other dogs. Just make sure you have a harness ready, in case one of the other dogs acts up and you need to get quick control.

If you have a back yard, you can let them roam around your yard and play. Just make sure that you take precautions if you don’t have a fence installed.

#7 Add Water To Your Dog’s Kibbles

Pugs love eating and adding water to your dog’s dry food will help get your dog to drink more water. Not only that but it’s a great way to moisten the kibbles and release some of the meaty scents.

As an occasional treat, you can also use a low sodium broth (or instant bone broth) to make it even more enticing. You can even use diluted carrot juice.

Just soak the dry dog food in the low sodium bone broth, until all the liquid is absorbed, then serve it to your pooch.

This is a great way to replenish electrolytes your dog has lost due to dehydration.

Just make sure you don’t overdo it on the instant bone broth. After all, you want your dog to drink more water, not get used to the bone broth.

#8 Drop Ice Cubes In Their Water

Think of this as a nice cool treat on a hot day.

At one point there was a nasty Internet cube rumor that said it was dangerous to give dogs ice cubes.

Well, according to Dr. Tina Wismer, medical director at the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, ice can be put in dog’s water bowls as treats. Some behaviorists even recommend freezing your dog’s favorite toys or treats in ice so they can chew on.

It’s NOT dangerous and it doesn’t cause your four-legged friend to become bloated or have “violent stomach spasms.”

So why are people scared to give their dogs ice cubes? Well, they’ve probably read that Internet story which was published in 2010. However, you can’t believe everything you read.

There are some dangers with cubes and dogs which are:

  • Dental damage to teeth from chomping on ice
  • Not monitoring your dogs while chewing ice cubes can cause a choking hazard. There’s always a possibility of the cube getting stuck in their throat.

If you’re worried about giving your Pug ice to eat, I totally understand. Why not try this flavored ice bowl to see if it gets your Pug to drink more water.

#9 Clean Their Bowls More Often

A dog’s water bowl can get disgusting, especially if you have more than one dog drinking from it.

Make it a point to handwash or stick it in the dishwater if it’s dishwasher safe. At least once a week.

We would stick Mindy’s water bowl in the dishwater at least 3 times a week. Slime build ups on the bowl over time can contain harmful bacteria for your pooch.

#10 Give Your Dog Some Watermelon

Think of this is not only a great snack but a good way to give your dog extra fluid in the hot weather. Watermelon is made up of 92% water and if given in moderation, can be a good snack for your pooch.

Read this article to find out how to give your pooch watermelon. You can even add pieces of the fruit to their water.

You can even add other fruits such as blueberries, and apple cubes to help get your dog to drink more. Just don’t add the apple core to it.

#11 Use Filtered Water Instead of Tap Water

Pugs can be finicky eaters and drinkers. If you notice that your dog is drinking more water from your garden instead of their water bowl, try using filtered water to entice them to drink more.

Tap water is known to contain high amounts of chlorine, which can be one of the reasons Fido refuses to drink water from their bowl.

Mindy hated drinking tap water, we only used filtered water. We use this filter, which you can attach to your existing kitchen faucet.

If you don’t want to invest in a filter, then try filling a container with tap water, and let it stand for 24 hours before giving some to your pooch.

This will allow some of the nasty chlorine flavor to dissipate. If your budget allows, you can even give them bottled water.

#12 Have More Than One Water Station

Regardless if you have one Pug or several dogs, you should consider placing several bowls and fountains around your house. If you have a two-level house, place bowls both upstairs and downstairs.

Older Pugs with joint problems may avoid drinking if the water source is too far away.

If you make the water accessible and within reach, your dog is likely to drink more H20. Would you want to walk a mile every time you wanted a drink of water? Well, your dog doesn’t want to either.

#13 Take Your Pug Out to Pee More

Housetrained dogs that are required to hold their pee for long periods of time, will avoid water. They don’t want to overdrink, because their full bladder makes them uncomfortable.

Take your pooch out for potty breaks every few hours instead of making them hold their pee for eight hours. If you’re not at home during the day,

Consider teaching your puppy how to use pee pads. If you have an older dog, then invest in a pet door and let them have access to the backyard. Of course, this only makes sense if you have a fenced yard.

We had a pet door for Mindy, so she could relieve herself whenever she needed to go. Plus, she didn’t have to stay indoors the entire time we were away.

#14 Give Them Wet Food

Dry dog food only contains about 10% of water. Wet canned dog food contains about 80% water. Try switching up their food or at least mixing some wet food with their dry food.

A combination diet will help increase their water intake while you get them used to drinking more water from their own bowl.

What to Do If You Still Can’t Get Your Dog To Drink Water?

If you’ve tried all these steps and for some reason, you still can’t get your Pug to drink more water. It’s time to contact the veterinarian.

They may have to give your pooch a saline IV or administer fluids to help restore the fluids in their body.

The veterinarian may also want to test for any medical problems that can be preventing your dog from drinking such as dehydration or kidney disease.

Your Pug needs water to survive, so make sure they are drinking plenty of H20 (especially in the summer).

I have no doubt that one of these tips will help you get your dog to drink more water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I give my Pug juice? Absolutely NOT! Some juices such as grape and cherry are extremely toxic to dogs. They have a lot of sugar and can give some dogs an upset stomach due to their high acidity levels.

Can my dog drink unsweetened tea? No, tea and coffee should be avoided. They both contain high amounts of caffeine, which can be toxic to animals. Some herbal teas are good for Pugs, but you should always consult with your veterinarian before giving them some. 

What about giving my dog milk? Read this about giving dog milk.

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