Do Pugs Have Hair Or Fur? And How Can I Tell?

Most people have no clue about the different dog fur types and what it actually means for maintenance and allergies. In this article, we’re going to answer the question “do Pugs have hair or fur” to help you better understand this breed.

Be sure to check out some of the most common questions regarding Pug fur problems and care tips.

Do Pugs Have Hair Or Fur?

Pugs have fur, not hair. Most people use both terms interchangeably, but the biggest difference is that fur only grows to a certain length, and hair keeps growing.

do pugs have hair or fur

Dog hair and fur are chemically the same, but they are different in growth cycles, texture, and grooming needs.

Here is how to tell what type of coat a Pug has and what it means for both you and your dog’s grooming needs. It will also help you understand whether the Pug dog is the right breed for you and your family.

Hair VS Fur What’s The Difference?

canine hair follicles
Canine hair follicles go through the same stages of growth as human hair.

Both hair and fur are made of a protein called keratin which can be found in skin and nails, which means that they are chemically indistinguishable. Additionally, they grow out of the same kind of hair follicle.

Both hair and fur spread dander, but dogs that shed heavily will trigger more allergies than dogs that don’t shed as much.

Related: Does A Pug Shed?

The biggest difference in dog hair and dog fur is the growth cycle, length, and texture.

Growth Cycle

Both human and dog hair go through the same cycles of hair growth. Let’s take a closer look at each one to help you better understand the canine coat.

  • Anagen: New hair growth begins.
  • Catagen: The transitional phase that signals the end of active hair growth, and the outer root sheath attaches to the root of the hair.
  • Telogen: The hair is neither resting nor growing.
  • Exogen: The hair stops growing and starts falling out to make room for new hair. In canines, this is what we refer to as shedding.

Depending on genetic factors, some dogs can remain in the active growth stage from anywhere from years to only a few weeks or months.  Longer growth cycles typically mean that a dog will shed less.

Double coated Pugs will spend more time in the exogen phase, especially during the summer months. This is why most dogs will shed heavily during the summer months in preparation for their winter coat.

Texture: Fur VS Hair

Just like humans, every dog is different and some dogs have silky, smooth, rough, and wire coats. Each type of texture will require specific grooming techniques.

Dog fur is shorter and denser. Double coated dogs will have an undercoat that is finer in texture to protect them from the elements.

Dog hair grows continuously and these breeds do not shed as much. The hair tends to be finer and can be wavy or curly. These breeds of dogs will require more trips to the ‘doggy salon’ for hair cuts.

Dogs will curly hair will require more maintenance as dander can get trapped in those curls.

How to Care For Your Pug’s Fur

A pug’s hair is short and dense and does not require as much maintenance as a dog with hair. You don’t have to worry about shaving your Pug or taking them to the doggie salon for hair cuts.

All dogs have grooming needs, regardless of whether they have hair or fur. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian or groomer to discuss your dog’s day-to-day grooming needs.

The grooming needs for a Pug will vary, but you will want to make sure you brush them with a good grooming brush at least 2 – 3 times per week. This will help remove debris and loose hair that can fall off and spread throughout your home.

I’ve written a step-by-step tutorial on your Pug grooming needs that anyone can do at home by themselves.

These dogs should be bathed occasionally to keep their coat shiny, healthy and smelling good. Pugs have a tendency to smell bad, especially if their fur is not properly maintained.

What This Means For Allergies?

Most people want to know what type of hair a dog has so they can determine if the dog is hypoallergenic or not. What people don’t realize is that the hair or fur on a dog is NOT what causes your allergies.

Regardless of whether a dog has fur or hair, they secrete proteins that end up in their dander (dead skin) and this is what causes that allergic reaction that you’re experiencing.

The difference is that hair or fur trap the allergens differently.

For instance, Poodles are considered hypoallergenic because their curls trap dander and skin cells close to their skin, rather than dispersing them into the environment.

A pug’s fur doesn’t trap the allergens close to their bodies. The dander makes it way to the top of their fur and sometimes you can even see it with the naked eye. Additionally, when they shed, it spreads dandruff around your home and clothing.

If you are thinking about getting or adopting a Pug, you need to decide whether you want a hypoallergenic dog or not. Most people don’t realize they are allergic to dogs until they bring them into their homes.

What This Means For Shedding

All dogs shed, regardless of the type of coat they have. The only difference is that the frequency of shedding often depends on your dog’s coat type, health, and breed.

Pugs shed more than other breeds, in fact, these dogs shed 365 days per year. The spring and fall months are the peak shedding times for double-coated “deciduous dogs.”

Fawn colored Pugs shed more than black ones, but all Pugs shed.

Final Word About Pug Fur

Having a dog with fur or hair is a matter of individual preference.

However, it’s important to know that the amount of grooming, shedding, and even allergies should be some of the factors you should take into consideration when trying to decide which breed is right for you.

Pugs are not as high maintenance as a Poodle, but this breed will require grooming on a regular basis. It’s important to understand this before bringing a Pug into your home!

References And Further Reading

The New England Journal of Medicine – Ralf Paus, M.D, and George Cotsarelis, M.D. – The Biology of Hair Follicles

Sage Journals – Monika M. Welle, Dominique J. Wiener – The Hair Follicle: A Comparative Review Of Canine Hair Follicle Anatomy And Physiology

PetHelpful – Adrienne Farricelli – During Which Months Do Dogs Shed The Most?

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