When Do Pugs Stop Teething? Everything You Need To Know

Do you have a Pug puppy in the house? If so, then you may find her chewing, gnawing on your furniture, nipping at your feet, and chewing everything you own. It is most likely due to teething, and she’s trying to get relief from the discomfort. So when do Pugs stop teething? We have the complete guide on helping you through this developmental stage, as well as some tips on how to keep your little friend happy and healthy during this period.

When Do Pugs Stop Teething?

The puppy teething stage generally lasts 3 – 5 months, depending on the individual. Puppies begin getting their first teeth as young as two weeks old. Their baby teeth will fall out at about three to four months old to make room for 42 permanent adult teeth.

What Is Pug Puppy Teething?

In the same way that human babies and children lose and grow new teeth during their development, all puppies do as well. Both babies and puppies get deciduous teeth, aka milk teeth, baby teeth, or primary teeth that fall out during different developmental stages.

when do Pugs stop teething

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Pug Teething Developmental Stages Explained

Unlike human babies who are teething, a teething puppy is often mistaken for suffering from behavioral problems. So, it’s essential to understand what to expect when you bring home your new pup.

Luckily there are teething stages to help you understand what your puppy is experiencing.

Weeks 2 – 4

At the neonatal stage (newborn to two weeks old) puppies are blind, toothless, blind, and deaf. In addition, newborn puppies do not have teeth.

Their teeth start developing during the transitional stage (2-4 weeks old). When their first teeth start erupting, they’ll get their first 12 incisors. These are often referred to as “milk teeth” because the pups are still nursing.

According to Dr. Lorraine Hiscox, DVM, FAVD, AVDC, puppies’ teeth start emerging from the gums starting at about two weeks of age, and all of the deciduous teeth are present by week six.

During the first teething stage, she can hear, smell and her eyes will open. She is still living with her mother and siblings at the breeder’s home.

Weeks 4 – 8

At the 4-6 weeks stage, the canines premolars and molars start appearing, and pups get all 28 baby teeth. At 4-6 weeks, the premolars and molars begin to grow behind the canines.

During this stage, the inhibited biting starts. Bite inhibition is also referred to as soft mouth, meaning that a puppy learns how to control the strength of her bite. Puppies don’t know their teeth hurt, and if you’ve ever been bit, you know their razor-sharp teeth hurt!

They learn bit inhibition through socialization by playing with other puppies.

At six weeks of age, you can start brushing your Pug’s teeth. This will help them get used to the routine and instill good oral hygiene.

The arrival of these sharp canines is when the mother begins weaning her pups off her teats. It’s also when pups can begin eating solid foods and should be fed high-quality puppy food to aid in developmental growth.

Pro Tip: Weaning a puppy means transitioning the puppy’s diet from its mother milk to solid foods that will become a part of their adult diet.

By the time the puppy is eight weeks of age, they will be fully weaned off their mother’s milk. If your Pug puppy stayed with her mom and siblings until she’s 8-10 weeks old, she will be fully weaned and will have learned bite inhibition and social behavior.

Weeks 8 – 16

At about eight weeks of age, a Pug pup will start losing her milk teeth as the permanent teeth start pushing through the gums. Again, this is a natural process without any interaction from you.

In most cases, the baby teeth will simply fall out. But sometimes they don’t, and it looks like your puppy has a double set of teeth, known as a persistent tooth. This is not common, but if it happens, you’ll want to have the baby teeth extracted by a veterinarian. Otherwise, it will push your Pug’s teeth out of alignment, making it difficult to eat and maintain good oral hygiene.

3 – 8 Months

At three months of age, your puppy has lost her first set of teeth.

The process starts when permanent incisors replace the incisors. (source)

This process is excruciating, and your pup will look for anything to gnaw to help get some relief. I’ve provided some Pug teething solutions for both you and your pup!

At about four months of age, the baby molars are replaced by permanent molars. By 6 – 8 months old, your Pug will have developed all their adult teeth.

They start with 28, and when they get their adult teeth, they gain an extra four premolars and ten molars. Like all dogs, Pugs will develop 42 adult teeth, ten more than us!

Signs and Symptoms Explained

One of the first signs your puppy is teething is when they start chewing anything they can get their teeth on. That said, every puppy is different, and below you’ll find several of the common signs a puppy will experience during the teeth phase.

  1. Chewing on everything: Chewing is a natural dog instinct. But if your puppy goes out of her way to sink her teeth into everything you own, she is likely teething.
  2. Frequent drooling: Teething puppies tend to have excessive pain in their mouths and gums. Because of this, she will drool more than usual. It’s normal for brachycephalic breeds, but teething puppies will drool more excessively. Read this article to find out why Pugs drool.
  3. Blood on toys: When you notice small droplets of blood on your pup’s toys, you know she’s teething. It’s normal for a puppy to bleed while they are teething because they’re losing baby teeth.
  4. Sore gums: Red and swollen gums mean your pup’s body is getting rid of her baby teeth and growing new adult teeth.
  5. Slow to eat: A once voracious eater that has slowed her eating habits likely means her mouth hers when she eats.
  6. Whining excessively: It’s normal for a puppy to whine when you first bring them home because they miss their mother and siblings. But if she starts whining again, it’s likely she’s experiencing a symptom of teething. Read this article to find out why Pugs cry.
  7. Fallen baby teeth: If you notice your pup’s once loose tooth is gone, it’s likely fallen out. You’ll likely find rice-sized teeth around your home, in their bed, trapped on chewing toys, and everywhere around your home.

How To Help Your Teething Pug Puppy

If you’re a parent who has had a child who went through the teething stage, you’ll understand what your pup is experiencing and what to do. However, if you’ve never had kids or don’t have any, then you may not know what to do.

Chew Toys

First things first, your puppy will be looking to bite anything, so you’ll want to keep your toes, fingers, and face away from her. Ensure she has durable toys to keep her busy. We used this Kong toy for Mindy.

KONG - Ring - Durable Rubber Dog Chew Toy - for Small/Medium Dogs

Soothe your Pug's teething problems with the durable KONG chew toy. The unique shape is perfect for hiding their favorite treats and getting their mind off the pain!

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02/18/2024 09:58 pm GMT

Pro Tip: Put the KONG in the freezer for 30-45 minutes and then give it to your Pug. The coldness of the toy will help alleviate some of your pup’s discomfort.

There are literally tons of different chew toys on the market; here are some of the best chew toys for Pugs.

Teething Gel

If the toy doesn’t help and your Pug is still drooling, nipping, and acting out, then opt for some puppy teething gel. It will soothe the irritate gums, which can reduce chewing problems. Most brands consist of chamomile, peppermint, or other flavors your pup will enjoy. You can also rub some of the gel on her Kong or other favorite chew toys to help her get relief.

Frozen and Cold Treats

Another option is to offer your puppy cold carrots, frozen mini bagels, or plan fruit. Allowing them to chew and eat cold foods may help relieve discomfort. Just don’t give your Pug too many cold snacks, as the breed is prone to obesity.

Check out this article on how much should a Pug weigh?

Massage Your Pugs Teeth

If you’ve already started brushing your Pug’s teeth, start massaging your pup’s gums instead of brushing. Put some toothpaste on a piece of gauze and wrap it around your finger, and gently massage her gums.

It will feel a lot better instead of a toothbrush, and she’s still getting proper oral hygiene. So keep the doggie toothbrush in the closet until she’s finished with the toothing process.

Puppy Proof Your Home

If you haven’t already puppy-proofed your home, now’s a good time. It will help ensure your puppy doesn’t bite something that can cause severe damage or even death.

I’ve put together a Pug puppy proofing guide to help you keep your home safe for your four-legged friend.

Work on Obedience Training

Last but not least, this is the perfect time to start obedience training. The teething stage is the perfect time to teach your puppy what they can and cannot chew, they’ll quickly learn what’s off-limits.

The earlier you start obedience training increases the likelihood of having a well-rounded and well-behaved Pug. When your teething Pug nips at you, especially your fingers or toes, say “No.” It will startle them, but they’ll begin to quickly learn they can’t bite you.

When To See A Veterinarian

Every Pug puppy owner will experience the puppy teething developmental stages at some point. It’s a natural process that occurs without your intervention. 

However, it’s still important for you to periodically check your puppy’s mouth to ensure there are no problems during this developmental stage.

It will help ensure your pup’s progress is normal or if you need to intervene and take your puppy to the vet. If you notice any of the following issues, call your veterinarian.

  • Odor from mouth
  • Trouble eating
  • Large amounts of blood
  • Rubbing at the mouth
  • Reluctance to chew or eat
  • Dropping of food from the mouth while eating

If your puppy has started chewing and you’re still not sure if they are teething, there’s nothing wrong with taking them for a checkup. It’s better safe than sorry, and a trained professional will check your puppy for:

  • Tartar build-up (although not commonly found in puppies)
  • Bad breath
  • Broken or crooked teeth
  • bleeding and swollen teeth
  • Jaw misalignment (Brachycephalic breeds have short muzzles with a slight underbite)

Once your Pug Puppy gets through the puppy teething stage, it’s important to get regular brushing and routine checkups. Pugs, as this breed, is prone to dental issues such as:

  • Gum disease
  • Tooth fractures
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Gingivitis

Final Word

When a Pug puppy is experiencing the teething phase, she’ll start chewing everything. It’s a normal process, and many experts say that your puppy will go through teething twice by the time they turn a year old.

During this stage, it’s vital to invest in some teething toys, or you could end up with some expensive repair bills. Monitor your pup’s symptoms and keep an eye out to make sure she doesn’t chew through something that can cause more damage than good.

If you take the proper precautions and learn how to help a teething puppy, Pug, you both will get through this phase!

References and Further Reading



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