Why Is My Pug Puppy Crying And What To Do

After getting a new pug puppy, there’s nothing quite like looking at that affectionate bundle of joy and knowing it is all yours. But as wonderful as it is, raising a pug puppy has its difficulties. One of the most persistent problems to arise is the tendency most pug puppies have is to cry.

If you’re a new pug owner concerned about the daily crying, take solace in the fact that this is normal behavior with understandable, knowable causes. This article will explain why puppies cry and some tips on how to stop the crying.

Why is My Pug Puppy Crying?

Pug puppies cry because they feel lonely and isolated after being separated from their siblings and their mothers. The crying is most common at night and is a normal phase in a puppy’s development that will eventually pass. Natural puppy crying could be related to physical or emotional needs that pertain to pain, fear, boredom, hunger, or full a full bladder.

why is my Pug puppy crying

While newborn pugs sleep almost all day, after just two months they acquire the outgoing personalities they’re so famous for. Pugs are naturally inquisitive, active, curious, and social. They like to be in the thick of the action around the house.

While still with their litters, pug puppies’ thirst for excitement and companionship is satisfied around the clock. They can play all day, exploring their environment and familiarizing themselves with the world, all while tumbling over their siblings and playmates. At night, they can doze off peacefully with their loving family members at their sides.

Why Does My Pug Puppy Cry At Night?

should I let my Pug cry at night
Puppies cry at night because they miss being close to their mother and siblings.

Once you have taken your pug puppy home, this whole dynamic changes. The pup will likely play all day, happy to have you as its new companion. At night, however, your pug will feel anxious without its mother and siblings.

The plaintive cries of your young pug will be painful for you to hear. Who wouldn’t feel their heart torn asunder by the helpless whining and screaming of an anxious pup? But don’t worry too much about it, because it is not a permanent state of affairs.

This article will explain why some Pugs never grow out of this crying phase.

Should I Ignore My Crying Puppy At Night?

Every parent is different, some will say let them cry and they will eventually stop. While other people will say that they can’t let them cry and will put the puppy in the bed with them.

If you put your puppy in the bed with you, it will be harder to get them used to sleeping by themselves and may be more prone to separation anxiety as they grow.

Will Letting My Puppy Make Them Tougher?

Some people believe that punishing or leaving the puppy alone to cry will make them tougher. However, that’s not the case, and punishing a crying puppy can cause them frightened whenever you approach them.

They can also grow into a frightened dog that is harder to socialize and may develop other behavioral problems.

How to Deal With A Crying Pug Puppy At Night?

puppy crying at night
If your puppy is crying at night, put their crate next to your bed to make them feel safe.

The best thing to do is to put your pup’s crate in your room while you sleep. They will still be close to you, but they are still sleeping in their own bed. This may make your puppy feel safer and feeling less homesick.

The arrangement doesn’t have to be permanent, and can only last until your puppy stops crying at night. Pug puppies have their own unique personalities and some will take longer to stop crying while others may not cry very much.

As a new Pug owner, you should understand what Pug puppies are like, so you understand the breed better.

Within a few weeks or maybe even a few days, your puppy should become accustomed to its new lifestyle and the crying should stop. Dogs are quick to accept people as their new family, and they will forget all about their painful separation.

Why Is My Pug Puppy Crying During The Day?

A puppy that cries at night may be bored, hungry, or may just want some attention. Puppies need a lot more attention than adult dogs, especially, when they first arrive at your home.

Puppies have a lot of pent up energy and it’s important to give them plenty of exercise and love. If your puppy is crying during the day, find time to spend time with them.

Your puppy is in unfamiliar surroundings and won’t feel comfortable being left alone.

If your puppy while spending time in their crate, there’s a good chance they empty their bowel or bladder. Puppies are naturally clean animals and won’t mess where they sleep. If your puppy is whining or crying when spending time in the crate, there’s a good chance they need to be taken outside to potty.

It’s going to take time to crate train your puppy, and they may cry whenever they are left alone in their “home den.”

How To Handle Boredom Crying?

Unfortunately, your pup can’t tell you they are bored. Puppies are like toddlers and need to stay busy to keep active. As long as your puppy stays active, there’s less time for them to whine and cry.

If you have more than one pet, there’s less likely for your pup to become bored, because they will have a playmate. If your puppy doesn’t have a playmate, then you can spend time with them when they start to whine.

This can be a great time to start training your puppy and teaching them simple commands. Your pup will enjoy the time you spend with them and will start to bond with you.

What To Do If Your Pug Puppy Is Scared?

It’s not unusual for a new puppy to cry when they are scared. They are in an unfamiliar environment, which can cause them to whimper and cower behind furniture instead of greeting visitors or other family members.

This survival instinct is ingrained into puppies whenever they are separated from their mothers. They instinctly learn how to be more cautious of their surroundings.

If your puppy is crying and showing signs of fear, it’s important to help your pooch overcome that scenario, as it can cause your pooch to grow into a frightened dog.

For instance, if your pooch barks, cries and runs away in fear whenever someone approaches them, it’s important make the experience more pleasurable for your pup. Have that person enter the room more slowly and let the puppy approach them rather than the person trying to approach the pup.

What To Do If Your Puppy Doesn’t Feel Well?

Non stop whining or crying could be a sign that Fido isn’t feeling well. Unfortunately, it can be hard to know, especially, if this if your first time having a puppy.

The biggest signs that your puppy doesn’t feel well is loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy, dizziness, or increased breathing rate.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should get your puppy to the vet as soon as possible. A puppies immune system is not as strong as adult dogs and it’s important to ensure they get their necessary shots and exams to maintain good health.

Separation Anxiety Over Beloved People

Once a pug has overcome their anxiety at being separated from their litter, they might well form a new unbreakable attachment to their human family. This makes sense, since you, as the owner, have replaced the mother’s role as primary caregiver and provider of love and affection. But once that connection is formed, the pup might start to cry in a similar way whenever it is separated from you.

This can be an especially persistent problem at night, when the puppy is expected to sleep in its own bed. It might desperately want to sleep next to its new mama or papa. This behavior is understandable, but it is certainly not ideal in the long term.

Luckily, there are measures you can take as a responsible and caring pug owner to deal with this problem and keep your puppy as happy as can be.

How to Handle a Crying Pug Pup

why is my Pug crying
Never punish or yell at your puppy for crying, as it will make them scared of you.

The single best way to deal with a pug puppy that is crying from separation anxiety is by crate training. Keeping your dog in a crate might seem unnecessary or cruel, but in fact it is a great way to give your pup a comfortable home and make it feel better about its quality of life.

Dogs naturally feel secure inside a comfortable crate. It becomes their safe space, where they can let their guard down and relax. Inside their crate, they know that nothing can hurt them.

The key to successful crate training is to start early. You want your pug to learn that a crate will be a safe and comfortable lifelong home.

Use a treat to lure your pug into the crate for the first time, or gently push it inside. Trey feeding your dog in the crate so it associates the space with positive experiences. Then gradually increase the pug’s crate time until it becomes perfectly comfortable.

There is nothing cruel about crate training, and it makes everyone’s life (including the dog’s) much easier. Most owners will find that the dog soon chooses to lie in the crate all on their own when the door is open. This makes sense, since they crate has now become, in a sense, a “home within a home.”

Some Other Causes of Crying

While some form of separation anxiety is almost always the reason a pug puppy is crying, you should rule out other causes if the problem persists. A cold sleeping area can interrupt a sleeping pup. Sleep apnea is also a common problem, and you should take your pug to the vet’s office if your suspect it.

Final Word On My Pug Puppy Is Crying

There are a lot of reasons that a puppy cries. It’s very stressful for a new puppy that is taken away from their mother and their siblings. It’s not unusual for new puppies to cry, whine, or bark excessively for a while until they get used to their new surroundings.

The best thing you can do is spend time with your pup. Don’t lose your temper when they cry, eventually, they will overcome this crying phase and grow up to be your best friend.

References And Further Reading

Pub Med – Pettijohn TF, Wong TW, Ebert, Scott JP – Alleviation of Separation Distress in 3 Breeds of Young Dogs

Science Direct – Puppy behavior when left home alone: Changes during the first few months after adoption

PetMD – Deidre Grieves – Puppy Crying: Why it Happens and How to Help

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