All dogs shed their winter coat throughout the season. Some people believe an indoor dog like the Pug doesn’t shed. That’s not true. Pugs shed quite a bit. In this article, we’ll look at the Pug shedding season to help you understand what to expect throughout the year.
When Is The Pug Shedding Season?
Your pup’s coat will change throughout the season but is more noticeable in the Spring and Fall. They shed the summer coat for a warmer winter coat and the summer coat for a winter coat, even if they don’t spend a lot of time outdoors.
Even if your dog spends a majority of its time indoors, you’ll still notice some changes in their coat based on shorter or longer daylight hours or changes in temperature.
Let’s take a more in-depth look at how the seasons affect your dog’s coat.
What Time of Year Do Pugs Shed?
Unlike other breeds that have two major hair loss events throughout the year, a Pug sheds year-round. Natural shedding is normal for both dogs and humans. According to this article, the average person loses 50-100 hairs per day, depending on the length and thickness.
Pro Tip: The best way to reduce your Pugs shedding problem is to use the right shampoos, brushes, dog food. Check out the products we recommend right here.
Dogs go through a natural shedding process that will cause them to lose some hair every day. Their hair growth cycle, which I’ve talked about in this article, enables their hair to grow back. It doesn’t mean you should shave your Pug because their coat differs from other breeds, and their fur helps keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Not only that, but a community member of this forum shaved her Pug, and it took a whole season for her dog’s hair to grow back. So don’t do it.
What to Expect During Different Seasons
In general, most dogs will shed more during the Spring and autumn. Of course, it depends on what kind of fur your Pug has. A double-coated Pug will shed more than a dog with a single coat.
This timeline will give you an idea of when your Pug will shed throughout the season due to temperature and daylight savings.
Season | Amount of Shedding |
Spring | More than usual as it’s going from winter coat to summer coat. |
Summer | The least amount of shedding. |
Fall | Going from a summer coat to winter, so expect a lot of hair loss. |
Winter | Your dog has a thicker coat, expect moderate shedding. |
As you can see from the table above, a Pug will shed most during the springtime. Keep reading below for a more in-depth explanation of the canine shedding process based on the different seasons.
Fall Fur Loss
Autumn starts in September and lasts through November. There are fewer hot days and shorter hours during this season, and your pup’s coat will begin preparing for the cold winter months ahead. You will start to notice your dog’s coat becoming thicker and heavier, which will help keep them warm when Old Man Winter arrives.
Even if you live in Florida or a place with tropical weather, your dog will still shed some fur. Climate can affect your dog’s shedding process to some extent, but a Pug’s natural shedding cycle will make them shed year-round.
Winter runs from December 1 – February 28 in the United States. In the winter, your Pug will have a thicker, fuller coat. The purpose of the thicker coat is to help keep them warm during the cold winter months.
Their winter coat is no different than the winter coat you put on to keep you warm when you go outside.
Spring starts on March 20 and runs through June 21 in the United States. In the Spring, your dog sheds its winter coat and grows a summer coat, which is why this is the highest or most noticeable shedding process.
You may notice patches or uneven hair during this time as the new one comes in, which is very noticeable on double-coated dogs.
Don’t worry; this is an entirely normal and natural process that is also known as “blowing the coat.” It’s when a dog sheds its coat as a result of the temperature change.
Of course, if you notice excessive shedding or believe something might be medically wrong. If you notice your dog shedding more or less than a previous year, you may want to contact your veterinarian.
Summer runs from June 1 to August 31 in the U.S. During the summer months, your dog will shed less. Their coat will be lighter and shorter during these months. Your dog will also experience less shedding during the summer months.
A dog sheds less in the summer because they have already lost their winter coat in the Spring, and their hair becomes thinner in the summer.
So, now your dog has a thin coat, and it stays thin throughout the summer until it’s time to go through the shedding cycle again.
How Long Is The Pug Shedding Season?
Double coated dogs will “blow” their coat twice a year, which is in the Fall and Spring, and the shedding season can last 2-4 weeks long. During this time, you’ll notice more hair around your home, furniture, clothing, etc.
You can help decrease the amount of hair in your home by brushing your Pug daily. I’ve put together a post that details how to brush your Pug and the best brushes to use, especially since Pugs have sensitive skin issues.
When Do Pugs Shed The Most
By now, you understand that your dog will shed the most in the Spring and Fall, especially if your Pug is a double-coated dog. However, the amount your dog sheds will vary depending on sex, age, nutrition, weather, amount of daylight, and living environment.
For instance, a Pug that lives indoors will shed less than one that lives outdoors.
Outdoor Dogs: A Pug that is left outdoors (we don’t recommend) in the elements of Mother Nature, their shedding cycle will start around March and last through June. In the fall, their shedding cycle will begin around September and last through November.
Indoor Dogs: Most Pugs are kept inside, which can determine the shedding season more complicated. Air conditioners, heating during the winter, and artificial interior lighting can disrupt the natural canine shedding process and cause a dog to experience moderate shedding throughout the year.
Final Word
Your Pug will shed moderately throughout the year, but you may notice more hair loss during the Spring and Fall months.
The amount of hair your dog loses will vary depending on whether your Pug has a double coat or not. Most people say that a black Pug sheds less than a fawn pug, but the truth is all Pugs shed.
Hopefully, this helps you understand which months throughout the season your dog will lose the most hair. Now that you know what to expect, you’ll be ready to tackle all that hair in the Spring and Fall!