How to Train A Pug Puppy To Pee Outside?

If there is one thing I always make it a point to tell everyone who wishes to adopt a pug puppy is how hectic they are to potty train.  They have way more frequent toilet trips. This is because their bladders are so tiny and their metabolism so high.

So if you just brought home your pup and are wondering how to go about potty training him to pee outside. Here’s how to do it.

How to Train A Pug Puppy to Pee Outside? Take note of his behavior just before he eliminates, establish a toileting schedule, pick out a potty area, and take him out every time they show signs of wanting to potty.

how to train a pug puppy to pee outside

To make this whole process easy for you, let’s look at how to do it step by step. Don’t forget to check out our huge resource on potty training Pugs.

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Step 1. Teach Your Puppy How to Pee on Cue

The first step is to teach them cue words so you two can be able to communicate. 

There are plenty of cue words you can use like “here”, “busy”, “hurry” and so forth. The idea here is to use a cue word they can understand and always relate to toileting. You can even just use “poo” and “pee”. 

Remember to always use this word anytime you are taking your puppy out to eliminate and when instructing him to potty.

Also ensure that when you use this cue word, toileting is all that is going to happen. Do not get him distracted with play as he may get confused about  what exactly the cue word means. As well, don’t use it any other time but only when going to the potty area.

Step 2. Picking The Right Potty Area 

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When picking out a potty area, ensure that it will only be used as a potty area and not play or anything else. Your puppy needs to be able to tell the difference between a toilet area and a play area out of your yard.

To designate it even further you can fence off the area and have it lined with bark chippings and grass since most pups would automatically pick out a natural-looking area for a toilet than a paved or cemented area. This also makes it easy for the puppy to pick up pee/poo scent from his earlier doings. 

Choose a spot that is convenient and easily accessible for your puppy. Somewhere close to the house will work best. However, not so close that you can smell poo every time your puppy does the deed.

Pugs are small breeds so you don’t have to allocate such a big area for toileting. Choose a size that allows them to make a few movements as most puppies would want to make a few circles before eliminating.

Be mindful of weather elements, ensure the place has a shelter to protect your pup from rain or extreme heat when going about their business. 

Try as much as possible to keep the area dry and clean every day. Clean off any messes as this may make the puppy uncomfortable and may end up pottying elsewhere. 

Also, ensure the place is a bit secluded or rather private, noise-free, and has very minimal traffic. Otherwise, your puppy will be anxious, scared, or distracted.

Pay attention to the grading as well, you want the potty area to be sloping away from your house. This way in case it rains heavily, all the mess won’t be coming to your house but away.

If you find that your puppy likes to go to a specific spot every time you take them to relieve himself, let him be. Some dogs prefer to just choose their own spot so just make that spot their potty area.

Step 3. Praise and Reward Successes

pug training secrets
Training a Pug to pee outside works when you praise your pup often.

Dogs just like humans thrive on praise and rewards. Always praise and reward your puppy with their favorite treats immediately they relieve themselves on their potty area. This will make your potty training so much easier and shorter.

 Step 4. Make Potty Training Fun

While it may not be easy for you or your puppy, try and make this whole process as fun as possible. Make this a bonding session for the two of you and enjoy it all including the accidents.

Step 5. Supervise Your Puppy Closely

Keep an eye on your puppy at all times when indoors so you can immediately pick on a sign that they want to eliminate. Watch for obvious signs such as going round in circles endlessly while sniffing, scratching, or barking at the door. As soon as you see any of these signs rush him out to the potty area.

When you are not actively watching him, have him tethered on a leash to your wrist or a piece of furniture. This may seem like so much supervision but believe me, it is so much better than scooping poop and wiping off pee 12 times a day.

Step 6. Learn Your Puppy’s Potty Schedule

Like babies, puppies thrive best on routine. The schedule teaches them that there are times to eat, times to play and times to do their business.

Establish a potty training schedule that entails taking your pup outside every two hours. Also, make it a habit to take them out immediately they wake up, during and after playing, and after their meals.

Step 7. Use A Crate When You’re Not Home

When stepping out of the house for a couple of hours ( not more than four hours), crate your puppy. If you’ve not started on crate training yet, begin by purchasing one at a pet supply store and use this crate training guide to train him.

Ensure to get the right crate size. Your puppy only needs space to be able to turn around, stand and lie down any more room and your puppy will allocate himself a potty spot in the crate.

Important Things to Keep in Mind When Training a Pug Puppy to Pee Outside

Don’t Confuse Them With Pee Pads 

should you use pee pads
Avoid using pee pads if you’re training a puppy to poop and pee outside.

Pee pads can be such a lifesaver when potty training your puppy, however, they can delay the whole training. Only use them when you have no other choice. Place them at the door so your puppy relates them to going out. 

Be Prepared for Mistakes 

Just as it is with potty training babies, mistakes will happen and may happen often surprisingly. Don’t fuss, don’t frown, and definitely don’t scold your puppy. Here’s what you can do instead:

When you catch them in the act, immediately interrupt them by not angrily shouting but by saying the cue word aloud as you help them go outside. Once they finish their business, praise, and reward. The aim here is not to scare them but to make them realize they are doing the right thing but in the wrong place.

Clean the soiled area completely with an enzyme cleaner. Ensure there is no pee or poop smell on the spot otherwise your puppy will back to the toilet in the same area. 

To minimize accidents, keep track of your puppy’s feeding and toileting schedule. Also, be keen on supervision and confinement. The more the accidents happen the harder it will be to get your puppy to pee outside. And the longer this whole process takes, the mo

Never Hit or Punish Your Puppy 

If your puppy has messed up, go easy on him. They are animals and young ones at that, they are bound to toilet accidents. Do not yell, shout angrily, hit, or punish your puppy. Instead, clean up the mess and tell yourself, tomorrow will be better.

If you catch your puppy in the act, take him outside to the potty area to finish off their business. Puppies cannot really tell that you are angry because they peed on your carpet, instead they interpret it as though you are mad at them and they will react by being scared and fearful of you.

Make Plans When You’re Going to Be Away  

You can’t be away from your puppy for longer than 4 hours because they can’t hold their bladder for longer than that even when in a crate. This only means one thing- you have to make arrangements for a pet sitter or ask a friend, neighbor, or family to step in.

If you can’t find a sitter, set a corner in the house where they can relieve themselves until you are back.

You can use pee pads on this corner or you can create a sod box. You can also just buy puppy litter products from a pet store. 


Training a puppy to pee outside requires total commitment, discipline, and loads of patience. There is no shortcut and you can never tell how long this whole  process can take. What is a guarantee, however, is that eventually your puppy will learn and be independent.

Meanwhile, keep watching their body language to tell when they are about to eliminate so you can take them out. Create a schedule and stick to it, you will have fewer accidents.

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