If you’re reading this article, then chances are you’re dealing with Pug acne. This is a common skin condition for Pugs and today, we’re going to take a look at how to get rid Pug pimples without inflicting more pain.
How to Get Rid of Pug Pimples
Some of the best ways to get rid of Pug pimples is through diet, switching their food and water bowls from plastic to stainless steel (check these bowls out), washing and drying their face after every meal, special cleansers, or topical antibiotics.
Much like teenager humans, dogs acne is a benign disorder that usually lasts a while. However, if severe it can become worse over time. Some dogs may experience intense pain and itching from these blackheads.

We’ll take a closer look at each method to help you find one that works for your pooch.
If your furbaby has a bad case of acne or it persists and becomes worse, you will want to contact your veterinarian. They will be able to run some diagnostic tests to include bacterial cultures and antimicrobial sensitivity testing.
Whatever you do, you shouldn’t ignore this condition. While some mild cases of dog acne will go away on its own.
Dogs with extreme cases can lead to generalized swelling of the lips, muzzle and can lead to scabs on the face or permanent scarring. Or worse, it can cause oozing boils under the chin.
Treatment for dog acne will depend on how bad your dog’s acne is and how long they have had the problem.
Pug Acne Treatments To Try First
Chin acne in dogs is more common in certain breeds than others. Unfortunately, in these brachycephalic breeds are prone to more skin allergies than other breeds.
I’ve put together some of the skin issues that can plague a Pug. Now let’s take a look at some of the solutions you can try at home to get rid of your Pug’s acne problems.
If your dog’s acne is triggered by an allergic reaction, you should start by finding out what’s causing the reaction. Your dog’s diet can be the cause of their oily skin, which can lead to blackheads.
Before choosing a dog food brand for your pooch, you need to know if they are allergic to the ingredients in his dog food. If you’re unsure of what type of food is best for your dog, talk to your vet before making any changes to their diet.
Food and Water Bowls
Acne can be the result of a food allergen or contact with an irritant. Avoid using plastic food and water bowls as they are prone to getting scratches and collecting bacteria over time.
Use only stainless steel bowls or ceramic bowls for both food and water. (they are not prone to collecting bacteria) Also, make sure that you wash their bowls are well-cleaned and dried.
Like you, they don’t want to eat out of a dirty food dish.
Special Cleaners or Medicated Shampoos
For mild cases, daily cleansing with a 2.5 benzoyl peroxide or chlorhexidine shampoos will help flush out the blackheads from the hair follicles. Use for 1-2 weeks to start seeing results.
These special cleaners not only flush and rid the blackheads, but they also provide anti-bacterial protection to help prevent bacteria from spreading.
Avoid using deodorized soaps and shampoos that are designed for humans, as they can cause your Pug to develop skin irritation.
Use cleansing products designed specifically for canines. If your Pug is prone to allergies, opt for antibacterial or mild cleansing soaps. We used to use this Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo for Mindy and she NEVER had acne problems.
Topical Antibacterial
Sometimes it may be necessary to combine the shampooing with a topical antibacterial preparation. In severe cases, where there’s a risk of scarring, or have draining sores under the skin.
A long course of antibacterial solutions will be required to help remove the staph infection, which is probably present in the hair follicles.
This solution may require 4-6 treatments of the topical antibacterial solution, along with the shampooing treatment.
Pug Acne Home Remedy
While searching the Internet, I discovered some more natural home remedies to remove Pug acne. All these methods are considered safe to use and won’t harm your dog.
These acne solutions can be used to mild cases of canine or feline acne, before turning to prescribed medications.
Keep Your Dog’s Skin Clean
The buildup of oils and dirt on your Pug’s skin is what causes acne. The best way to prevent dog acne is to keep your dog’s skin clean.
If your Pug spends a lot of time outdoors, they may roll around on the dirt, which can cause them to get dirty.
Wipe your Pug’s skin twice daily with diluted chlorhexidine to help remove any dirt and oils. Pat their skin dry and wipe off any excess.
This is a natural treatment that can help you care for your Pug’s skin not to be used as a replacement for regular baths.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can help soothe your dog and this natural home remedy can help prevent acne lesions from becoming worse. This natural remedy is an anti-inflammatory that contains antifungal and antibacterial properties.
You’ll want to apply the coconut oil wherever the acne is present, which is usually on the chin, muzzle, or all over their body.
Most dogs will lick the coconut oil (Mindy loved the taste), it is completely safe and will not harm your pet.
You should be able to see improvements in your dog’s acne in about a week or so, for mild cases.
For best results, it’s recommended that you use extra virgin, cold pressed and organic coconut oil.
Herbs such as burdock root and red clover are great for acne. These hers are also beneficial for reducing hormonal activity and boosting your canines immunity.
Use red clover essence and add 3 to 5 drops directly to their dog food. You’ll want to use this treatment for a 1-2 weeks before you start seeing improvements.
Green or Black Teas
Green tea infusion has been used for cleaning dirty pet ears, sooth hot spots, and mouth sores.
Black and green teas are safe and can be used to not only help soothe your dog’s discomfort. It acts as an anti-bacterial which can be used to help prevent the acne from getting worse.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider has many benefits for both dogs and humans. This is an effective treatment from acne, weight loss, controlling diabetes and curing hiccups. Yes, Pugs can get hiccups just like humans.
I’ve written an article to help you stop your Pug’s itchy skin and it can also help with hot spots and pimples.
Aloe vera is great for soothing the pain and discomfort from the pimples. Opt for a gel that is easy to apply to the affected skin areas.
This natural herb helps battle infection and can be used as a mild antibiotic. When used properly, it can help stop acne eruptions. It is sold in liquid and tablet forms.
The dosage will vary depending on the canine size:
- Large: one half of a human’s dosage
- Medium: a quarter size of human’s dosage
- Small: 1/8 of a human’s dosage size
If you’re giving your dog a tablet form, use peanut butter to help entice them to ingest the tablet. These are the types of peanut butter safe for dogs.
Echinacea is safe cats, dogs, horses, and rabbits.
Diluted Tea Tree Oil
Avoid using tea tree near your pet’s eyes or anywhere they can lick. Dilute the tea tree with some coconut oil or olive oil before using it.
Apply the oil directly on the pet’s acne, using a Q tip. Repeat once or twice daily, depending on the necessity.
You should be able to see an improvement in the pimples in a few weeks after regular use.
Medicated Acne Creams
Some people have used Stridex pads or benzoyl peroxide cream to wipe down their Pug’s chin, muzzle and mouth areas. It’s important to make sure your pet does not lick their face after application.
Rest assured this medicine will not harm your pet if they lick occasionally.
How to Treat Canine Acne
This video will walk you through on some treatments you can try from home. I’d suggest watching it help you alleviate your Pug’s acne.
He mentions some solutions that I’ve discussed above, but Roger Wickenden has some other great solutions to try for your pooch.
Pug Acne Home Remedy Not Working?
I’ve done my best to bring you the best acne treatments for your Pug. After trying all the solutions and you still don’t see any improvements in your pet’s acne, it’s time to consult your vet.
They will be able to find out what’s causing your dogs acne and provide you with a topical steroid, washes, or antibiotics which help get rid of the problem.
Even if your Pug doesn’t check his acne in the mirror like a teenager, this problem still requires your immediate attention.
Related Questions
How Long Do Dog Pimples Last? The good news is that with proper treatment dog acne can be resolved permanently once your Pug reaches adulthood.
Should you pop a dog’s Pimple? Avoid squeezing or popping Pug pimples. This can cause the infection to spread further causing more pain and more acne.
References and Further Reading
VCA Hospitals – Acne In Dogs
DVM 360 – How Do You Manage Canine Chin Acne
Your Dog’s Health Problems – How to Deal With Dog Blackheads
VCA Hospitals – Echinacea