Can Pugs Get Fleas and How to Check Your Dog

Can Pugs get fleas? If you have a Pug, then as a pet owner, you need to understand that fleas and ticks can pose a problem for your pet. Today, we’re going to take a look at what fleas are and how to check your Pug to see if they have them.

Can Pugs Get Fleas

Dogs are warm-blooded mammals and pick up fleas from other canines, sand, dog parks, or just hanging outside in the warm weather.

Your Pug is literally exposed to all types of environments on a daily basis, and this puts them at risk to getting fleas.

can pugs get fleas

Read this article if you want to know how to prevent fleas and ticks for Pugs.

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What Are Fleas?

Now that you know your Pug can attract fleas, let’s take a look at what fleas are, to help you better understand why it’s important to protect your Pug.

Fleas are tiny insects that can be very hard to see, especially, since they seem to hide in your pooch’s coat.

If your dog does have fleas, they may suffer from severe itching and discomfort to other skin problems and infections. In extreme cases, your pooch may suffer from anemia.

Not only that but if your cat or dog has fleas, it is possible for humans to suffer from flea bites. Fleas won’t breed on humans, but if your home becomes infested, they will bite you because they will be attracted to your blood.

What Do Fleas Look Like?

what do fleas look like
Fleas may appear red or brown in color with long back legs.

Fleas are extremely small about 3mm long. They have a flat body with long back legs and are brown or reddish-brown in colored.

These nasty little parasites can jump up to 30 cm high, which makes it easy for them to jump from the ground onto your pet.

How Does A Pug Get Fleas?

The most common way dogs get fleas is by socializing with other animals that have been infected by fleas. Fleas can jump 2 feet or more in height, and can jump from one host to another,

Fleas prefer moist, shady cool areas and hang out by shrubs, trees, grass, sand, under porches, and open grass. Which means, that your dog can get infected by hanging out in the yard.

Why Fleas Are Dangerous To Pugs?

Fleas are parasites that will drink their hosts (your Pug) blood about 300-400 times throughout the day. Your Pug will try to rid the fleas by licking and biting themselves, but this doesn’t really work.

Instead, some dogs may be allergic to the saliva in the flea’s mouth, which causes discomfort and uncontrollable licking and chewing. Eventually, your dog may chew and cause sores on their skin, leaving them susceptible to infection.

The only way your Pug will get relief is when you the owner steps in and helps them overcome this problem.

Can You Get Fleas From Your Pug?

are pug fleas contagious to humans
Fleas are not dangerous to humans, but they can bite and infest your home

Fleas tend to feed on non-human animals, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t bite humans. If your Pug has fleas, they will bring them into the house and they will get all over your carpet, and furniture.

This means that you’ll have to not only treat your Pug, but you’ll have to vacuum your couches, floors, carpets and wash your dog’s bedding on a regular basis. Depending on the severity, you may even have to do use flea bombs and fogger sprays to get them out of your home.

Can Pugs Get Fleas In The Winter?

Fleas tend to go dormant in the extreme cold weather. However, if you live in an area where the temperatures do not go below 40℉, fleas can stay active in the winter season.

If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors in the winter, it is possible for your dog to get fleas and bring them inside your house.

Can Pugs Get Fleas In The Summer?

fleas on pug
Pugs can get fleas throughout the year but are more exposed during the warmer months.

Yes, fleas thrive in the warmer temperatures that range from 70 – 85 degrees. With global warming, it’s possible for your Pug to become infected with fleas year-round, especially, if you live in the south where the winters are mild.

How Do You Know If Your Dog Has Fleas?

One of the most common signs that your Pug has fleas is uncontrollable itching, itching, biting, and licking.

If you know anything about Pugs, then you know they tend to lick quite a bit, so if your dog is licking a lot, it may not necessarily mean they have fleas.

Before we look at how to check for fleas, let’s take a look at some possible signs that veterinarians recommend watching out for.

4 Signs You and Your Pet Have Fleas

how to check for fleas
You’ll notice your dog scratching and scratching uncontrollably.

#1 Abnormal scratching, licking and or Biting

Fleas are opportunistic parasites aka arthropods that feed on blood. Once they infect your pug, they will set up their habitat and continue to feed on your pet.

They tend to feed on hard to reach places such as the neck, groin, armpits, and head.

#2 Unusual Red Patches on the Skin

Some dogs and cats can be allergic to flea bites and this will cause them to develop rashes or red lesions on their body.

#3 Hair Loss

Alopecia or hair loss can be a reaction to flea bites for some dogs. In severe cases of infection, dogs may pull out their own hair in clumps from the continuous biting and licking of the flea bites.

#4 Flea Dirt on Fur

If you look closely, it may be possible to see small black or reddish-brown specks on your pet’s body. If your dog is heavily infected, fleas can also be found in your home.

“Flea dirt” resembles regular dirt. However, flea dirt is actually feces from a flea that is composed of digested blood.

The best way to differentiate flea dirt from actual dirt is to put some of the specks onto a white paper towel and wet it with a spray bottle.

A dark reddish-brown color means that it is digested blood from flea feces.

Now let’s take a look at how you can inspect your Pug for fleas. This will help you find the fleas before the infection becomes too severe.

How Do You Check For Fleas?

You should consider checking your Pug for fleas on a regular basis when you’re grooming them. Catching fleas early makes treatment easier.

If left untreated, fleas can turn into a heavy infestation making your Pug miserable. Not only that but once fleas get into your home, they can also bite you and your family.

#1 Visual Check

If you have a light colored Pug, you can run a comb through their fur and see if you notice any reddish or reddish-brown spots on their skin.

Fleas are small and can be impossible to see, especially, since they move fast. If your dog is not heavily infected, you may not even notice them.

To start the visual test, have your Pug lay on his back or side and start with the abdomen. This shouldn’t be to difficult, especially if your dog thinks they are going to have their belly rubbed. (Mindy loved belly rubs)

Comb through their hairs or push their fur aside with your hands carefully looking for any fleas or flea dirt on your dog. If you find something, grab a damp paper towel and rub it to see if it changes color.

If it turns reddish brown, then that means your Pug has fleas.

Unfortunately, if you have a darker or black colored Pug, it will be a little harder to see fleas by running your hands through their fur.

#2 Use A White Towel

With Mindy, we would place a white towel under her while brushing her, we used this brush because she loved it and made it so easy to brush her. But there’s no reason you can’t use a flea comb if you have one.

If you see any specks of dirt or dark spots fall onto the white towel, then you need to test it to make sure it’s not flea dirt.

Adult fleas are easy to spot on a dog, especially, if you’re using a white sheet or towel.

Here’s a great video that will show you how to use a flea comb and a white towel to check for fleas.

How to Use A Flea Comb On Your Pug

We never used a flea brush on Mindy, but we didn’t live in a high infested flea area. If you do, then, I’d recommend getting yourself a flea comb for your Pug.

If your Pug does have fleas, don’t try picking off fleas individually, I’d recommend using a flea comb instead, which you can buy online or your local pet store.

They are designed with double blades to help you catch the fleas. The Safari Dog Flea Comb is perfect because it removes both fleas eggs, and larvae and pupae. Just make sure that you go over your Pug multiple times to remove everything.

You’ll want to make sure that you cover every inch of their body with the flea comb, even their legs.

The fleas get trapped between the rows of teeth, so make sure you have a bowl of water to dip the brush after each stroke on your Pug.

Remember, fleas can jump very high and if you’re not dipping the brush in hot water, they can just jump back on your pooch or you.

What To Do If You Find Fleas On Your Pug?

pug flea treatment
If you think your dog has fleas, you want to take action before your dog becomes uncomfortable.

Once you realize your Pug has fleas, it’s time to take action, before the infestation becomes overwhelming. There are tons of different medications and treatments available online, it can be challenging to know where to start.

If your Pug is just a puppy and you find fleas, I’d recommend contacting your veterinarian to see what course of treatment is best for puppies.

It doesn’t take long for fleas to cause anemia in young canines, and this condition can be fatal if left untreated.

What To Do If Your Pug Is Infested With Fleas?

Depending on how severe your Pug’s infestation is, you’ll want to use the traditional methods to remove fleas. If you can’t get rid of the parasites, or if they come back within a few days, try a different treatment option.

Hands down one of the best and most effective flea medications is Frontline. It not only works, but it is the number one choice for veterinarians. The reason Frontline is so popular is that it kills the fleas at all stages of their life (eggs, larvae, pupae). Most topical medications start working within 12 hours.

What If Your Pug Is Itching and It’s Not Fleas?

After you’ve inspected your Pug and it turns out they are do not have fleas, it’s important to understand Pugs can develop other skin conditions.

This article will walk you through on how to help an itchy Pug.

If after reading that article and nothing seems to help your dog, then I recommend taking them to your vet to figure out what’s causing them to scratch, and itch.

Regardless of what’s causing them to itch, your Pug is uncomfortable and getting a diagnosis can help determine the root of the problem and ease their discomfort.

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References and Further Reading

Comfortis – What Are Fleas

VetIQ – 4 Signs Your Dog Has Fleas

Vet Street – Anemia In Dogs

Black Pug Site