You have probably seen many memes or funny videos about puppies that just refused to walk anymore, they decided to sit, and their owner was stuck in the middle of the street until the dog changed its mind. You also probably laughed. Well, it’s not funny when it’s your dog, the one doing it.
You are lucky to own a pug. At least you can pick it up. Now imagine how that would have gone if it was a Great Dane.
Why Does My Pug Puppy Sit Down On Walks?
Pugs sit down on walks for one of the following reasons:
- You’ve walked them too far, and now they’re tired.
- They are hurt.
- They don’t want to walk anymore. (being stubborn)
- Something scared them
- Distractions
To get your dog to stop this behavior, you will need to understand why they are acting like this and act accordingly. Walking a Pug isn’t as hard as walking other dogs, but they can be challenging, especially, if you’ve never walked this small dog before.
Let’s see what you can do in each case so that you can walk with your dog without being forced to pick it up.
Your Pug Is Tired
Pugs aren’t known for their endurance. In fact, they are well known for lack thereof. But this doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be walked. In fact, you must make sure that they get their daily exercise or else they might become obese.
Nevertheless, you also need to know when they had enough because pushing them too much won’t do anyone any good, and your puppy might even get hurt. They have smaller legs than most other dogs, so it doesn’t take long for them to get injured if overwalked. Make sure you know how to tell if your dog sprained or pulled a muscle or is too ill to continue.
Endurance must be built over time, so if you were out on a long walk and your pup never walked this much before, they might be too tired.
If this is the case, you can pick them up to offer their tiny little legs a rest and try again tomorrow with a shorter walk.
Extend the duration of your walks gradually so that your puppy can adapt slowly. And make sure that you are the one setting the pace. Since they have short legs, they cannot walk fast, and if you have a large stride, they might actually be running next to you.
A young puppy tends to become overly excited when walking and may end up tiring themselves out too quickly. It’s your responsibility to set a comfortable pace as pet parents, even when they get excited by seeing other people or animals.
How to Tell If Your Pug Puppy Is Hurt
Pugs are stoic dogs. Unless they are badly hurt, they won’t show it. But you can tell by paying attention to their behavior that something is wrong.
Start by remembering what happened on the walk.
Did you play fetch? Did your puppy run? How was the terrain? Did you go up and downstairs, or did your dog jump a lot?
Examine your puppy and gently massage his tights and his back. Notice if he pulls a leg when you touch it or if he whines.
Look at their paws. They often get stuff stuck between their fingers, and it might cause a wound or bring discomfort while walking.
Ensure that their nails are properly trimmed, as some puppies have incredibly long nails that won’t allow them to walk right. If your puppy needs its nails trimmed, here’s an article to help you out.
If you believe that your pug puppy is hurt in any way or that he has any discomfort, don’t allow for any more walking or play. Consult your vet as soon as possible.
Always pay attention to the terrain. Pugs can get hurt by:
- Going up and down stairs – it hurts their back;
- Holes in the ground – They run fast, stumble, and could pull a muscle or fall;
- Stones and splinters – Pugs don’t usually watch where they are walking and could hurt their paws.
- Hot surfaces can burn their pads.
Being Too Stubborn to Walk
If you didn’t notice it until now ( of course you did), the Pug is a very stubborn dog. They have this unique personality that makes them adorable, and that sometimes shows us that they, too, have free will.
There are many reasons for which a pug puppy would refuse to walk. Some of the reasons are legit, as mentioned above, being hurt or tired.
However, other instances could be due to them being stubborn, allowing you to better educate your dog.
Here are a few reasons for which pug puppies would refuse to budge:
They Are Scared
Puppies have many irrational fears, and if they saw something scary that they cannot understand, they might not want to go in that direction. There are a lot of things that can scare a small dog in public, such as:
- Loud noises (car backfires)
- Other dogs or animals
- Large crowds of people
If this is the case, you can pick your dog up and gently show them that the thing that scared them is not dangerous. Once your puppy understands it is safe, they will likely overcome their fear and will start walking without any issues.
It will take time for your pup to get used to walking in public, especially if you live in a big city. The best thing to do is take them on the same route daily, to give them used to walking in public.
They Don’t Like It
Yes, dogs have preferences, and pugs can have a tendency towards being lazy. Like adults, if they are allowed to sit on the couch and watch TV, they won’t have the energy to go on walks.
In this case, you will need to do your best to train your dog to obey your commands. If you don’t do this early on, you will be faced with an adult dog that doesn’t listen to you, which can be both dangerous and annoying.
Something Distracted Them
New puppies that don’t spend a lot of time outside can be easily distracted by a squirrel, cat, smells, and etc. Something you and I see as nothing big, your young four-legged friend will want to investigate.
Maybe they find something yummy on the ground and they want to eat it? They smell another dog’s urine on the grass or fire hydrant.
If this happens, gently lure them back on the path with one of their favorite treats. Consider filling your pockets with a few of their favorite treats, especially, if your young pup is easily distracted.
How to Train Your Dog to Follow
You will need a retractable leash, a long one, or an enclosed space where to practice. Also, you will need treats – the delicious kind (low-fat pieces of boiled meat will do too). Also, make sure you’re using a harness instead of a collar for this breed.
When your dog sits down and refuses to walk any further, simply take a few steps away from him (make sure that it’s safe to do so) and then tell them to come.
You may need to wait a bit and call them again enthusiastically. When they come over, praise them, pet them and offer the treat.
Repeat and continue to walk and if they sit down again, give a few little lateral thugs to the leash to remind them that you are the one in charge and that they must follow. Learn how to train your Pug to walk on a leash properly so that you can enjoy all your walks.
You can also use the treat to get them to heal. Remember to encourage and praise your dog continually. Your enthusiasm will fuel your small Pug, especially since this breed’s goal is to make its owner happy.
Final Word
If your pug puppy sits down on walks, it probably has a reason for doing it. Make sure that you address all possible issues and that you also train them to obey your commands.
Never pull on the leash or drag your puppy. It is harsh, but your puppy will learn to associate the leash or harness with negativity and refuse to go on walks.
Don’t forget that they aren’t a highly enduring breed to exercise, so be mindful that they get tired quickly and that they might overheat, and maybe they just need to cool down for a bit.
It takes a while to get your puppy to enjoy walks, but with the right training, your buddy will make the perfect walking companion!