What Age Should A Pug Be Neutered What You Need To Know

Congratulations on getting a male Pug puppy! Many pet parents have no clue when to get a canine companion spayed or neutered. We believe every Pug should be spayed and neutered, that’s why we’re answering your most common questions below.

What Age Should A Pug Be Neutered?

Your Pug puppy can be neutered any time after eight weeks of age, as long as they are healthy. You will want to consult with your veterinarian as the traditional age for neutering was six to nine weeks.

Veterinarians will take your dog’s size, health, and age into factor before deciding to perform surgery on your pooch. If they feel it’s too early, they will let you know. After all, neutering and spaying a dog can lead to health issues, which we’ll discuss below.

what age should a Pug be neutered

That being said, it’s best to neuter your pooch while they are a puppy. Like people, an older dog is predisposed to post-operative complications, especially those that are overweight.

There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to males and female dogs. Which ones get neutered and which ones get spayed?

There is a difference and you should know which surgery your small boy Pug is going to need.

Neutering vs Spaying

when should you neuter a Pug
It’s important to know if you have a male or female. Boys get neutered and girls get spayed.


This is the process of removing the testicles in male dogs and cats. I know this sounds horrible, but there are really a lot of benefits of having your male Pug neutered.


It is the process of having the reproductive organs of female dogs and cats. Like boys, your pup has to be a certain age before you can get your Pug spayed.

Benefits Of Neutering Your Pug

I know most people (especially men) think that it’s cruel to get their male neutered. Some even think that it makes their dog less of a male.

However, that’s just not the case, and there are many benefits to neutering your pooch, and here are just a few of them.

  • Neutering reduces the risk of testicular cancer.
  • Pets that are spayed/neutered are much more affectionate.
  • Males are less likely to mark their territory.
  • It prevents unwanted or accidental breeding that results in unwanted puppies. Male pugs can get a girl pregnant as soon as they reach puberty, which is about six months of age.
  • Pugs that have been fixed are less likely to bite.
  • Neutered males are less likely to run away, roam, or get into fights with other dogs.
  • Male dogs will be less likely to mount your legs, their toys or anything else they can mount.
  • Prevent pet overpopulation
  • It’s less expensive than having to care for an unwanted litter of puppies.

Basically, it will make your pooch a better pet and you won’t have to worry about your male dog impregnating your neighbors dog.

According to the ASPCA, approximately 3.3 million dogs enter animal shelters nationwide. You definitely don’t want to be responsible for increasing that number because you didn’t neuter your dog.

Myths About Neutering A Dog

Many people tend to put off neutering their dogs because they tend to believe all the myths floating around the Internet.

Let’s look at some of the most common misconceptions that keep pet parents from doing the responsible thing.

  • It’s too expensive
  • It will change my Pug’s personality. (we’ve already discussed how it will make your pooch better)
  • My dog is always inside with me
  • Neutering will cause my dog unnecessary pain
  • The process will emasculate my dog
  • Spaying or neutering will make my pet fat
  • I may want my pet to have puppies down the road

If you’ve ever wondered if you should neuter your Pug, I highly recommend you watch this video to get all your questions answered.

Is It Possible To Neuter My Pug Too Early?

Yes, it’s totally possible to neuter your puppy to early, this is why it’s important to choose a reputable veterinarian that cares about your dog’s overall health.

Neutering or spaying a puppy too early can increase the chances of your pooch developing undesirable behaviors such as fear aggression, phobias, and reactivity. It can also trip their chances of developing hypothyroidism or becoming obese.

Pug Neutering Cost

I’m not going to lie, it can be expensive to neuter your puppy. You can expect to pay anywhere between $55 to $350, depending on your dog’s age, health, and where you live.

Here is what is included in the neutering procedure cost (this will vary on each individual pet hospital).

  • Examination
  • General anesthesia
  • Sedation
  • The surgery procedure (Castration or Spay)
  • Pain medications
  • Antibiotics (if necessary)
  • Post-op recovery monitoring
  • E-Collar
  • Post-Op check and suture removal

As I mentioned, every pet clinic is different, so don’t be afraid to ask what’s included in the cost, so you’re not surprised when the bill comes.

The great thing is that most Pug dog insurances will cover the cost or reimburse you for preventative procedures.

If you just can’t afford to pay to have your doggie neutered, then check out some of the low cost or free ways to get it done.

Where Can I Neuter My Dog For Free?

neutering dogs
There are many places that offer low cost or even free neuter surgical procedures.

The best place to start looking for free or low-cost methods is to contact your humane society.

They most likely will know which shelters, veterinarians and organizations that are ready to help pet parents that can’t afford the high costs of the surgery.

You can also check out the Spay USA North Shore Animal League, and ASPA Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Programs.

For those of you that would rather have the programs listed by state, check out out the table on this page.

Preparing Your Dog For Surgery

When the time comes, your veterinarian will usually perform some pre-surgery blood work to ensure that your dog doesn’t have any health issues that can become complicated due to anesthesia.

Most young healthy dogs do not have any issues, but the blood test will help ensure your doggie will be fine.

Once a date has been scheduled your veterinarian will give you some guidelines to follow such as:

The night before the procedure

  • Feed your pet around 8 pm but DO NOT give them any food, treats, or snacks after 9 pm.
  • Your dog can drink water, throughout the night, but shouldn’t drink anything in the morning.

The morning of the procedure

  • Don’t give your dog anything to eat or drink to avoid the possibility of vomiting while under anesthesia.
  • Take your dog outside and let them take care of their business before surgery.
  • Arrive early to the office to fill out any forms they may need.

Every veterinarian office is different and their pre-operation instructions will vary. Since your pet is going to be under anesthesia, it’s a good time to get microchipping, dental work, or etc. (be sure to ask for a discount)

But don’t worry, they will let you know what you expect.

If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask.

How Long Does The Surgery Last?

As long as there are no complications, castrating a dog can take anywhere between 15 – 20 minutes to remove the testicles and suture the incision. The amount it takes will vary depending on the age and health of your pup.

You should be able to take your dog home later that afternoon on the same day. If there were any complications, your veterinarian may want them to spend the night at the clinic.

This means that you’ll be required to care for your pooch, especially, since they will be in pain after the surgery.

Will My Pug Be In Pain?

Since neutering a dog is a surgical procedure, it is painful. However, with today’s modern technology, and medications, most veterinarians will know how to minimize your dog’s discomfort and pain.

Most puppies experience only minimal discomfort after the surgery. Pet parents can help keep their doggie comfortable by following the post-surgical recommendations your vet provides you with.

So let’s take a look at what you’ll be expected to do to help manage Fido’s pain and keep them comfortable. These are basically some of the things I had to do when I had my last dog neutered.

Pug Neutering After Care

benefits of neutering a Pug
Your pooch should be back to normal in 10-14 days, and you will notice several benefits of the procedure.

Once the anesthesia wears off, your pup may be a little bit woozy, some dogs may even try to bite you or grown at you because of the pain.

Most young pets will be up and running around within hours, it may take a little longer for older dogs.

You will want to monitor your dog’s surgery site for any redness, swelling, or pulled stitches. Most veterinarians will put an Elizabethan or E-collar aka “Lampshade” on your dog to prevent them from licking or tearing apart the stitches.

If your dog didn’t get one, then you may want to consider using different methods to keep your dog from licking their incision.

Some people will use a lick deterrent such as “Bitter Apple, Bitter Orange. Apply the lick deterrent on the unbroken skin AROUND the incision, not on it.

If you don’t feel comfortable using a lick deterrent product, you can use tie a t-shirt, bandana, or onsie over your dog’s waist. Just make sure that it covers the incision without irritating your pooch.

Most dogs will be able to return to their normal activities within 10-14 days after the dog neuter surgery.

Final Word On Pug Neutering

Hopefully, this answered all your questions regarding neutering your Pug puppy. It’s not a topic new pet owners like to discuss, but it is something you can’t ignore.

The great thing is once your dog goes through the procedure, you won’t have to worry about it ever again!

References And Further Reading

Rocky’s Retreat – The Early Spay/Neuter Controversy

MSPCA – Dr. Elizabeth Lynch, Staff veterinarian at the MSPCA at Nevins Farm – Ask a Vet: All You Need to Know About Spay/Neuter Surgery

Pet Informed – Veterinary Advice Online: Male Dog Neutering

Black Pug Site