Do Pugs sweat? If you have a Pug, then you know they don’t tolerate heat that well. Today, we’re going to answer the question about “do Pugs sweat?” As a Pug parent, you need to understand why Pugs become hot and sweaty.
Do Pugs Sweat?
Pugs get hot, but they are unable to sweat and perspire like humans. Dogs do sweat a little bit from their paws, but it’s not enough to help them get relief during the hot weather.
Instead of relying on sweat, dogs rely on panting to help cool themselves.

You’ve most likely never seen a Pug soaked in sweat or suffering from sweaty armpits.
Do Dogs Have Sweat Glands?
Pugs sweat glands differ from those of human sweat glands. Humans sweat glands are distributed over most of our body’s surface. When our internal moisture becomes too hot, our body releases sweat to help us cool down.
Dog’s have two types of sweat glands:
- Apocrine glands
- Merocrine glands
Apocrine Sweat Glands: These differ from the Merocrine glands. These glands are located all over their body at every fur follicle.
NOT really sweat glands, although veterinarians consider them a part of sweat glands.
The Apocrine glands release pheromones, which give your dog a unique smell which helps other dogs identify them. It’s similar to how body odor works on the human body.
Merocrine Sweat Glands: These are similar to those of human sweat glands. The difference is that your pooches are located in your dog’s pads. These are activated whenever your Pug becomes too hot and are used to help cool them down.
If your Pug becomes too hot it’s not unusual to see sweat paw prints on the ground. Pugs cannot handle the heat very well, therefore it’s important to learn how to keep them cool in the summer.
How Do Pugs Sweat vs How They Cool Off
So Pugs have only one type of sweat gland that helps aid in their body temperature reduction. You might be wondering how do they cool themselves?
Panting plays a huge role in how dogs stay cool and help regulate their internal body temperature. The panting process allows a dog to evaporate moisture from their tongue and their lungs. This helps your pup cool down as the air produced from the panting is passed over the moist tissue.
Unfortunately, Pugs are prone to breathing problems and this is why they can’t be exposed to heat too often.
If your Pug becomes too hot, they will start having issues breathing. My black Pug used to snort really loud when she got too hot.
Cooling Pad
While this isn’t a natural method that your dog will use to cool down. It’s one of the ways we used to use when Mindy got really hot.
We would put a cooling pad on her belly to help her cool down. You don’t have to do this all the time, but if your Pug becomes overheated, you should consider using a cooling vest to help them cool down and slow down their panting.
The most important thing to remember is that Pugs will have a harder time to cool down than regular dogs. This is why you need to limit their time outdoors if it’s too hot.
This process helps cool your Pugs internal body temperature through the expansion of blood vessels in their face and ears. When the blood vessels expand, it helps cool the blood down and cool your Pug off.
This cooling method is not as efficient as panting.
What Causes Pugs to Sweat?
Your Pug has a few reasons they will sweat. Just like you and I there are a few things in their life that can trigger their sweat glands.
Pug Temperature Tolerance
If you’re an outdoor person, it’s important to be aware of the temperature and how long your Pug can stay outside. When temperatures reach above 80-85 degrees, it can start getting hazardous for your Pug.
This is why it’s so important to exercise your Pug in the early morning or afternoon hours when the temperature has cooled.
If your Pug is exposed to the heat too long, it can cause long term damage to your Pugs heart, kidneys, and liver.
According to Canine Concepts, if your Pug becomes stressed, this can cause them to sweat through their foot pads.
At Night
If the temperature in your house is too hot, it can cause your Pug to sweat at night. There were a couple of times when Mindy woke up panting because she was too hot.
Pug Overheating
Just like humans, Pugs can overheat if they can’t cool themselves. Overheating is life-threatening and you should understand the signs to help you tell if your Pug is overheating.
Signs that your Pug is suffering from heat stress or stroke are:
- Muscle tremors
- Heavy panting
- Dehydration
- Excessive drooling (read this to find out why Pugs drool)
- Lack of coordination
- Red gums
These are only a few signs that your Pug is overheating. If your Pug gets too hot, you’ll be able to signs of distress and your Pug will most likely be panting extremely heavy.
Protecting Your Pet
Pugs are a part of the brachycephalic breed. Due to their flat faces and smooshed noses, they can’t handle the heat like other dogs. Unlike other dogs, Pugs are more prone to heat stroke.
This is why it’s important to keep your dog cool and avoid having them outdoors when it’s too hot or cold. Yes, Pugs get cold easily.
- You can avoid heat-related pet emergencies by keeping your Pug and other pets safe:
- Never leave your Pug unattended in a vehicle.
- Monitor their sunbathing.
- Always have fresh, cool water available for your cat and dog. Check out this portable water bowl perfect for when you’re on the go with Fido.
- Provide shade for your Pug if they spend a lot of time outdoors.
- These short-nosed breeds have a difficult time regulating their body temperature. Therefore, you want to make sure you use extreme caution in the heat.
If your Pug is anything like mine, they love laying in the sun until they start panting like crazy. Make sure you minimize their time in the sun to prevent them from becoming too hot and sweaty.
References and Further Reading
Science Direct – Apocrine Sweat Gland
HillsPet – All About Brachycephalic Dogs
Canine Concepts – Is your Dog Stressed