Pugs are amazing little dogs. They can be both extremely energetic, causing bouts of laughter for those watching their energetic outburst and the perfect cuddlers and household pets. They are small in size too, which is a great perk for those living in apartments that may only be allowed small dogs. Plus, they will surely supply it with their breed eager for your affection when it comes to unconditional love.
Can Pugs Be Potty Trained?
Their desire for your affection makes potty training them (as well as any other training) on the easier side for owners. As long as you use the right approach and are consistent with training, you’ll find potty training your Pug can be achieved with relative ease.
Be sure to check out our potty training Pugs resource page to help you get started. All Pugs are their own unique individual and some may require more training than others.

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What Makes a Pug Easy to Train?
Pugs love affection. From puppy to adult canine, they will actively seek your attention, from playing tug-o-war to curling up in a ball on your lap for a nap. For centuries they had been bred for exactly that purpose, to become the perfect lapdogs. As a result, they have a very pleasing and friendly temperament.
With a friendly nature and an inclination to please their humans, Pugs are easier to train, especially when you implement positive training methods.
Whether you are potty training a stubborn Pug or teaching them new commands or tricks, rewarding them with praise and affection is a great incentive for your furry friend.
When your Pug realizes certain actions and behaviors get them attention, they will be more inclined to repeat the action to get more affection.
Combine this with the fact that Pugs love to eat, and your Pug will be more than eager to partake in the potty training experience. It is a sure-fire way to drive the message home that they are doing good.
What is the Best Way to Potty Train a Pug?
One of the many things Pug owners worry about (or really every dog owner for that matter) when bringing a new family member home is having to potty train them.
No one likes the idea of their dwelling turning into a temporary pee or poo pad during the learning curve. However, it is often unavoidable, especially when you get your Pug as a puppy.
Depending on your Pug’s age, they may simply not be ready for potty training as they are unable to hold their pee in for extended amounts of time. So, before your start training them, you will want to keep that in mind to prevent the experience from being a negative one.
This is especially true if you’ve adopted an older Pug puppy and their previous owners didn’t train them properly or abused them.
Potty Training a Pug Puppy
A good rule of thumb for gauging how long your puppy can hold their pee in is to go by how many months of age they are. Attribute an hour for each month old- but remember this is just a guesstimate and not an absolute. If they fall a little short, don’t worry.
You can also observe how often they need to pee or poo to better understand when they naturally have to go.
Once you know how long they can generally hold it in, you can anticipate when they will need to relieve themselves and be able to get them to the designated bathroom area (pee pad, litter box, or outside) before they go.
Try keeping them there until they do their business and then follow up with a reward, whether it be hugs and kiss, a healthy treat, or both.
Potty Training Older Pugs
As mentioned earlier, potty training this breed is on the more agreeable side for a Pug owner, no matter what age. Let’s face it, some breeds are just more stubborn than others, but thankfully your Pug is not one of them.
If your Pug is no puppy but requires potty training, you can still utilize the same training tips mentioned above for a puppy. They will be just as eager to seek attention from their owner with the added perk of being able to hold their pee and poo in for longer than a puppy.
Positive reinforcement plays a significant role in how fast your Pug takes to potty training. Whether your Pug is a puppy or an adult, keeping the experience positive can help speed things along.
If this is your first time owning a dog, I highly recommend investing in House Train Any Dog. It will walk you through how to potty train your Pug or any other dog in just a matter of days.
Are you not sure how to start potty training your Pug? Learn how to potty train any dog in 7 Days or Less!
If Positive Reinforcement Doesn’t Work, Should Negative Reinforcement be Used?
No. Showing your frustration or punishing them for accidents throughout the training process is strongly discouraged. Not only can negative reinforcement cause your Pug to backtrack and lose any progress achieved. It can also greatly harm the bond between the two of you.
Pugs are an extremely sensitive breed, and if yelled at or frightened in any way by your response. It can cause them to associate fear with the act of going, resulting in more accidents.
As frustrating as reoccurring accidents can be, it is important to remember that potty training can take up to four months to a year before they are fully trained. Even when positive reinforcement is used.
In some cases, your Pug may not be able to physically hold it in due to underlying health concerns. In which case, neither positive nor negative reinforcement will be of much help.
If you feel your Pug has too many accidents for their age and training, you should give your veterinarian a call to make sure everything is okay.
Patience is a Virtue
Not many people are aware that it can take up to a year before a Pug is fully potty trained. Though much of that will depend on you. Here’s a timeline of how long it can take.
As mentioned, it can take as little as four months, with older dogs already able to hold it in for longer periods and generally being faster to train because of it.
The more consistent you are with their training and how you react can speed things along. If your Pug happens to slip up and have an accident along the way, try to remain patient, your Pug will get there sooner if you do.
Final Word
Potty training an older Pug puppy isn’t much more difficult than training a brand new puppy. Consider their previous environment and training methods. Their lack of training or abusive situation can hinder how fast they pick on the training.
Don’t give up on your Pug, no matter how long it takes. Every Pug, regardless of age, or gender can be properly potty trained!