Puppy potty training is an essential part of raising a dog that gives owners a great sense of relief when their puppies learn where and where not to pee or poop. Learning control of the muscles that help them hold in their pee or poop takes time and training.
With that said, some breeds of dogs are more easily potty-trained than others, with Pugs being one of them.
Are Pugs Easy to Potty Train?
Their natural temperament, love of food, and natural instinct to please their caregivers and family makes potty training a rather agreeable task given proper training techniques.

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That said, some Pugs may be harder to potty train than others. If your little one has a stubborn streak, you will struggle more. But you don’t have to, especially when you learn the secrets to potty training any dog.
Are you not sure how to start potty training your Pug? Learn how to potty train any dog in 7 Days or Less!
What Makes a Pug Easy to Potty-Train?
According to Psychology Today, small dogs (20 pounds or less) are much easier to train than bigger dogs. However, there are a few other reasons besides size that makes why Pugs an easy breed to potty train.
Below are but a few. Potty training Pugs doesn’t have to be hard, especially, when you have such a loyal companion that wants to please you.
#1 They Have a Pleasing Temperament
One of the main reasons Pugs are easier to train than other breeds is because of the breed’s natural temperament. Pugs are considered a charming and endearing breed. More often than not, they will soak up any opportunity for that extra hug, kiss, or snack and be eager to partake in some positive reinforcement potty-training.
#2 They Love to Eat
Pugs love to eat. Food is a big motivator for them, so offering your Pug a treat as a reward for making it outside or to the puppy pad before they pee or poo is a great trait to utilize.
Keep in mind, though, that obesity in Pugs is common. So, be sure to provide them with a healthy and portion appropriate snack.
#3 They Pee… A Lot!
Another reason often overlooked is because of how frequently they urinate as puppies. They will likely have to urinate every one to two hours. It may not sound like a plus, but it gives owners plenty of chances to potty train and teach them good habits early on.
The last thing you want is for bad habits to form before you get a handle on it, so with a glass half full perspective, every pee and poo is an opportunity to get them off to a good start.
What are Some of the Best Potty-Training Practices for Pugs?
The best potty-training practices utilize POSITIVITY!
This cannot be stressed enough. The side of your Pug that makes them eager to gain your affection is also what makes negative reinforcement detrimental to both the bond between the two of you and your Pug’s potty-training progress.
Accidents will inevitably happen. Reprimanding them when they do will be emotionally harmful to your Pug and possibly increase the number of accidents they have out of anxiety and stress.
Remember: Potty Training is a Transition, Not a Race!
The mess that comes along with owning a puppy during those early months is one that all puppy owners are eager to eliminate.
Often, this may lead to unrealistic expectations in progress as we try to get our puppy friend into a routine. So, before you start potty training, know when you may be setting both of you up for failure.
Set a routine, it is essential to acknowledge that as time progresses and they become older by the months, that how often they need to go to the bathroom will change and the schedule will need to be adapted.
So, while they may seem to be peeing and pooping a lot more in the earlier months, more time between needing to relieve themselves will naturally occur. Pushing them to go beyond their means could potentially backtrack their potty training and make what could be an agreeable training experience into one of frustration.
What are Some Tips for Potty Training Your Pug? How to Set Your Pug Up for Success!
#1 Know What to Expect
Generally, their age in months is equivalent to the hours between bathroom breaks a puppy will need.
So, depending on when you start potty training, you can better understand what they should be capable of based on their age.
#2 Try Working with Your Pug’s Schedule Early On- Not Yours!
Again, accidents will happen as they learn to control their muscles, so the smoother the transition, the better. When getting them started, knowing what they are capable of and where they are in their pee and poo holding abilities can help speed up potty training and reduce the stress placed on your pup to learn.
To find out your Pug’s current pooping and peeing schedule, make a note of how often they need to relieve themselves.
There are even apps for your phone to help you keep track! Once you do that, you can compare it to what they should be capable of. This way, you can work towards more realistic potty-training goals.
#3 Learn How to Utilize Frequency of Bathroom Needs
When it is close to that interval of time for when your puppy will need to pee and shows signs of needing to go. Take them outside, to the puppy pad or a doggie litter box (which works great for potty training Pugs).
It is a great way to introduce them to designated toilet areas and familiarize them with positively reinforced training practices in anticipation.
When you do this, try keeping them there until they go and reward them with both that healthy treat mentioned earlier and words of encouragement. Eventually, they will realize they are there and stay there for a purpose and be more inclined to go to the bathroom faster with a reward.
As they naturally become more and more able to hold it in for more extended periods, with six-month-old pups more likely to go six hours between bathroom breaks, getting them onto your schedule will be less of a challenge.
Pushing them any sooner than that would be unrealistic and make it a negative experience, so focus on teaching them the rewards of using the potty area early on rather than the duration between potty breaks.
Don’t Go Too Long!
Oh, and don’t forget, pushing them to go too long between potty breaks can lead to urinary incontinence. Which, unfortunately, Pugs are prone to.
So, always consider your canine friend’s limitations and keep this transition period in your puppy’s life a positive one!
We all know that Pugs can be stubborn, which can make it challenging to train. If you’ve done everything you know how to do, but your Pug is still making messes in the home, then check out this guide on how to Potty Train Any Dog, and put an end to your struggles.