One of the great things about the Pug breed is that they are not a breed that requires an existential amount of daily exercise. This happens to be one of the things about their breed that makes them so ideal an addition to the family. If you are looking for a canine companion with minimal physical needs, Pugs fit the bill, especially once they pass the puppy stage.
Why Do Pugs Get The Zoomies?
Pugs get the zoomies when they have an explosion of energy due to built-up energy. Every dog, regardless of breed, will experience the zoomies, which will cause the dog to run around frantically. This behavior is entirely normal, and there’s often no cause for alarm.
It’s no secret that Pugs can be hyper. But if this is your first time owning this breed, you need to know about the Pug zoomies, what they are, what causes them, and if you need to worry.

What Are the Zoomies?
Rather self-explanatory, the zoomies are when your dog has a sudden outburst of energy, causing them to “zoom” around the room. Another term for the zoomies is Frenetic Random Activity Periods or FRAPs.
It is more likely to occur when your Pug is a puppy, though it is still common for adult Pugs of all ages.
The zoomies can present themselves in different ways, from running in circles or tight eights to jumping all over the furniture. Your Pug may even begin barking and playing with their toys at a level of intensity that will leave most dog owners laughing.
The good thing for many Pug owners is that this little energetic episode only lasts several minutes. Before they plop back down into the cuddly little lap dog, they were five minutes ago.
What Causes the Zoomies?
The zoomies are a sudden release of a build-up of energy, so why is a dog breed known for not being overly active in experiencing the zoomies?
It may simply be because they don’t have enough playtime. Many people make the mistake of assuming that they need less activity than they do.
When it comes to FRAPs in puppies, puppies are naturally more hyper than their adult counterparts. Finding an outlet to release that energy can result in the occasional, and often comical, zoomies display.
However, suppose you don’t know what it is. In that case, it can also be alarming to the unprepared dog owner, with most behavioral concerns reported stemming from a lack of information on puppy activity requirements.
Puppy or not, if your Pug is not getting enough opportunities to use up that energy, a sporadic agility show will likely follow.
FRAPs are more likely to occur in the morning after a long night’s rest. Or after being let out of their crate for an extended amount of time.
You may also find that certain stimuli set your Pug off on those wild bursts of energy too.
Are There Situations Where the Zoomies Are More Likely to Happen?
Just like humans, your dog’s energy level will pick up when they are excited about something. So, virtually anything or any situation that gets them overly excited (this could be a sound, a toy, a person, a walk, a bath) can set them sprinting off up and down the hallway in a mad dash of excitement.
Are the Zoomies a Pug Trait?
Although Pugs seem to experience the zoomies more often than some other breeds, the zoomies are not a Pug-specific trait. All breeds of dogs experience zoomies, and at all ages too.
Are the Zoomies Bad For My Pug?
As long as your Pug is not overly exerting themselves and the episode does not last longer than several minutes, your Pug’s health will not be negatively impacted.
It is a completely natural occurrence. If anything, the main risk factor to your Pug would result from their potentially bumping into things and having something fall on them.
With that said, Pugs are a brachycephalic breed who experience shortness of breath with excessive exercise. So if you feel your Pug is experiencing the zoomies frequently and putting strain on their respiratory system, then, by all means, schedule an appointment with your dog’s veterinarian.
Are the Zoomies a Sign of Something More Serious?
In some rare instances, frequent occurrences of the zoomies or long durations of it could be a sign that something else is going on with your dog.
Sometimes a dog will have an increase in FRAPs episodes due to anxiety or stress, which makes them overreact.
In other instances, your canine companion can have an underlying health condition causing them to experience a change in behavior that has resulted in frequent FRAPs episodes.
If this seems to be the case with your Pug despite giving them ample opportunities to release any built-up energy from the day, a visit to the veterinarian may be in order.
How Do You Prevent the Zoomies?
As previously mentioned, zoomies are the sudden release of built-up energy, so if your Pug is given an adequate daily amount of time to play, there shouldn’t be any excess energy built up for them to need momentary outbursts.
The key to preventing zoomies is to get them to use up that energy before it turns them into a swirling tornado of a furball.
For the most part, going on scheduled daily walks with your Pug and providing them with mentally stimulating toys are great outlets. These two activities will help rid that built-up energy that can lead to zoomies.
If your Pug goes crazy after a bath, there’s nothing to worry about. They are likely just happy they got a bath and feel great!
As long as your Pug is mentally and/or physically engaged, they will be less likely to experience the zoomies.
Final Word
The zoomies are a natural dog behavior, and there’s no cause for alarm. Ensure your pup has plenty of room to run around in the house without injuring themselves.
If your Pug is experiencing the zoomies constantly, it could be a sign of a deeper behavioral problem, so you’ll want to seek medical attention.
Enjoy the zoomies while your Pug is young because as your dog ages, you won’t get to experience them as often as you’d like!