Many pet owners love spoiling their four-legged friends by feeding them table scraps or bite-size pieces of fruits and vegetables. After all, if it’s safe for you to consume, it must be safe for your Pug right? Well, not necessarily and in this article, we’re going to take answer the question “what fruit can Pugs eat?”
Can Pugs Eat Fruit?
The answer is it depends on which type of fruit you feed them. There many types of fruits that are perfectly safe for dogs.
It’s easy to wonder what do Pugs eat and not really worry about whether it’s safe for your pet. After all, if they eat it, then it must be good for them.
However, there are some fruits that are not recommended for dogs, no matter how much they beg.
It’s important to remember that a dog’s digestive system works differently than humans. Therefore, feeding them the wrong types of food can cause health problems and in extreme cases even death.
Truth be told, dogs do NOT need to be fed fruits and vegetables. If you’re feeding them high-quality dog food, they will receive all the nutrients their body requires.
However, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to give your pooch a piece of fruit as a special reward as an incentive to do something.
Before offering your four-legged any type of fruit, it’s important to know which ones are OK for sharing in moderation.
If you’re unsure of whether you should feed your dog fruit, consult with your veterinarian. This is not intended as professional medical advice.
What Fruit Can Pugs Eat?
There are around 2000 different types of fruit in the world. We’ll look at the most common fruits that people feed dogs or ask questions about.
I’ll be giving you a short yes/no answer of whether the fruit is safe for dogs.
Be sure to browse this category to read more in-depth articles on specific articles regarding fruits for Pugs.
Related: What Vegetables Are Good For Pugs?
#1 Apples
Yes, apples are a great snack for both you and your Pug. The flesh is sweet and contains both vitamins A & C and is also a great source of fiber.
The seeds contain traces of cyanide, so you should avoid feeding them to your dog.
#2 Avocado
No, avocados go good on sandwiches and make a great dip for humans, but you should never feed them to your dog.
Both the pit and the skin contain persin, which is a toxin that causes diarrhea and vomiting in pets.
The fleshy part of the fruit doesn’t have a lot of persin as the rest of the plant, but you should still avoid feeding it to your pooch.
#3 Bananas
Yes, you can give your pooch small pieces of bananas. They are filled with potassium, vitamin B6 and Vitamin C.
This fruit is also high in fiber, which is great if your dog is having gastrointestinal problems.
#4 Bilberry
Not Sure, according to VCA Hospital, bilberry has been recommended for pets, because of all the benefits the fruit provides for humans.
However, there is are not a lot of case studies or information online that discusses the benefits of dogs and cats. At the time of this writing, both dogs and cats are treated with supplements that contain bilberry as well as other antioxidants.
#5 Blackberry
Yes, dogs can eat blackberries and they are loaded with antioxidants to fight free radicals in your dog.
You can even feed your dog frozen blackberries as a crunchy treat they’ll love.
#6 Blackcurrants
No, they are good for humans, but not dogs. It contains a toxin that can cause irreparable damage to your dog’s kidney, and in extreme cases lead to death.
Avoid feeding your Pug any fruit that is a part of the currant family.
#7 Black Mulberry
Yes, Pugs can mulberries in small amounts. However, feeding too many mulberries can cause digestive problems.
#8 Blueberry
Yes, blueberries are safe for dogs. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals which are linked to the ability to fight cancer in humans.
The antioxidants in the fruit have been shown to improve pet health as well as humans.
#9 Boysenberry
Yes, small amounts should be fine, and should not cause any type of digestion problems. If fed in large quantities, your Pug may experience bouts of diarrhea.
#10 Cantaloupe
Yes, cantaloupe is a healthy treat for both humans and dogs. There’s virtually no chance of your dog choking on the seeds.
Plus cantaloupes are loaded with beta carotene and vitamin A which can help reduce the risk of cancer.
#11 Cherimoya
Not sure, but according to what I found online, you can give your dog the white meat and throw away the black seeds. Don’t give your dog the outer shell, as it is very hard.
#12 Cherries
No, while the fleshy part of the fruit is safe and doesn’t contain any toxins. The pits, leaves, and stems all contain cyanide, which is toxic and can cause poisoning in canines.
It’s best to avoid giving your dog this fruit.
#13 Coconut
Yes, the coconut meat is healthier than coconut oil for dogs and should be fine if fed in moderation.
Coconut is non-toxic to dogs, but it does contain medium-chain triglycerides, which can cause bloating and GI problems.
#14 Cranberry
Yes, dogs can eat raw and dried cranberries. There are no toxic substances and may even have some health benefits for dogs.
Not all dogs will enjoy the tart taste, so make sure your dog actually enjoys the taste of cranberries.
#15 Cucumber
Yes, Pugs can eat cucumbers and it is a great low-calorie fruit that can make a great snack for Pugs. While they don’t have as many benefits for dogs, they have a high water content which makes it a tasty and hydrating summer treat
#16 Currants
No, this fruit is a part of the currant family and contains toxins that can cause severe kidney failure in pets. (source)
#17 Damson
Not sure, but after doing some research, I read that the stones in the damson can cause your dog a lot of discomfort. This fruit is similar to plums and is a member of the rose family.
Personally, I would avoid giving your Pug this fruit to eat and choose from some of the other fruits on the list that are more beneficial for dogs.
#18 Dates
Yes, Pugs can eat dates and they are a great low-fat, cholesterol snack that is safe for dogs. It contains nutrients such as fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and B.
#19 Dragon Fruit
Yes, Pugs can eat dragon fruit also known as pitaya. It can make a yummy treat and it is packed full of nutrients that are beneficial for your four-legged friend.
Feed them the skin and avoid giving your dog the pink, spiky, leathery skin that can be dangerous.
#20 Durian
Not sure, but it’s best to avoid feeding your Pug the hard prickly durian fruit. It is high in fat and would not be good for this breed as they are susceptible to weight gain.
#21 Elderberry
No, elderberry plants are highly toxic when ingested, and should not be considered safe for pets. Although these berries are high in iron, iodine, vitamins A, and C, it’s best to feed the other pet-friendly berries such as; strawberries, blueberries and etc.
#22 Goji Berry
Yes, Pugs can eat this superfood, but you may want to soak them in water to soften them up before feeding them to your pup.
Goji Berries are rich in antioxidants, amino acids such as zeaxanthin, and beta carotene.
#23 Gooseberry
No, your Pug should never eat gooseberries, salmonberries, serviceberries, or marionberries as they can be toxic to canines.
There isn’t a lot of information about feeding gooseberries to dogs, but it’s best to avoid this fruit and choose from some of the other pet-friendly fruits.
#24 Grapes
No, grapes and raisins are highly toxic to Pugs. Unfortunately, no one really knows which substance in the fruit causes reactions in dogs.
It’s best to avoid feeding your Pug any type of grapes or raisins.
#25 Grapefruit
Yes, but your Pug probably won’t enjoy the bitter taste. If you decide to feed your Pug grapefruit, peel the grapefruit and feed a small piece of the fleshy portion.
#26 Guava
Yes, guava is safe and is not known to have any toxicity in dogs. Apple guava is the most common type that is found in supermarkets.
Smaller dogs are known to be susceptible to having gastrointestinal issues, so make sure you monitor your Pug.
#27 Honeydew
Yes, Pugs can consume honeydew and it contains many beneficial nutrients. The downside is that it does have a higher sugar content than many other fruits that are good for dogs.
#28 Huckleberry
Not Sure, whether Pugs can eat huckleberries. Some sources say that they can be toxic to dogs. PetMed doesn’t list them as dangerous for dogs.
Personally, I would avoid feeding my Pug huckleberries. Instead, you should consider feeding the other pet-friendly berries.
#29 Jabuticaba
Not Sure, if jabuticabas are safe for Pugs. However, since they are a thick-skinned purple fruit that resembles grapes, I would avoid giving them to your dog.
#30 Jackfruit
Not Sure, if jackfruit is safe for Pugs. There is not a lot of research regarding pets eating jackfruit.
Jackfruit seeds are toxic to humans and should never be fed to your dog.
#31 Jambul
Not sure if Pugs can eat jambul, as there is not enough information online pertaining to pets eating jambul.
This fruit is native to India and is also known as Jambul, Haam, Jamun, and Jambul worldwide.
#32 Jujube
Yes, but I personally wouldn’t feed my Pug jujube. It contains a lot of sugar and there are much better fruits to feed your pooch.
#33 Juniper Berry
No, this is not a real berry and it contains toxic compounds such as ethereal oil. Feeding juniper berries to your dog can cause seizures, kidney issues, and hypoglycemia or low blood pressure.
#33 Kiwi
Yes, kiwi’s are safe for Pugs, just make sure you don’t feed them the skin or the seeds.
It should only be used as a treat and not a part of your Pug’s regular diet.
#34 Kumquat
Not Sure, if Pugs can eat kumquats. They are not classified as being toxic to dogs. However, caution should be taken when feeding your dog.
This fruit is high in magnesium and feeding your dog too much has a laxative effect on your dog.
#35 Lemon and Limes
No, you shouldn’t feed your Pug lemons or limes. Avoid feeding your dog these sour citrus fruits. Limes are known to be toxic to dogs and should be avoided.
#36 Loquat
Not sure, if Pugs can eat loquat. While the ASPCA does not list loquats as being toxic to dogs.
If your Pug eats a few loquats, they may get an upset stomach. If they love it, then you should be fine feeding them the fruit in moderation.
#37 Lychee
Yes, Pugs can eat Lychee. It is commonly referred to as the “Chinese strawberry,” and it contains many beneficial nutrients for your four-legged friend.
#38 Mango
Yes, mango is safe for Pugs to eat.. Most likely enjoy the sweet taste of this fruit. Be sure to peel the mango and remove the pit before giving any to your dog.
#39 Marionberry
No, Pugs can’t eat marionberries as they may be toxic to your dog. These are lesser-known berries that look almost identical to blackberries.
#40 Miracle Fruit
Not Sure, if Pugs can consume miracle fruit. There isn’t enough information about feeding canines this fruit.
Personally, I’d avoid feeding them this fruit and choose from some of the other non-toxic fruit that you know is safe for dogs.
#41 Nectarine
Yes, Pugs can eat nectarines. They are loaded with magnesium, Vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber which are great for your dog’s digestive system.
#42 Olives
Yes, Pugs can eat olives as long as they are fed in moderation. Make sure you remove the pit and feed them the plain unsalted version only.
#43 Orange
Yes, Pugs can eat oranges and clementines. They are not toxic to dogs, however, they are high in sugars which can cause GI upset if fed too much.
Personally, I would avoid feeding an overweight Pug this fruit as it can lead to obesity.
#44 Papaya
Yes, papayas can be a healthy treat for your Pug. Avoid feeding them the seeds as it can cause intestinal blockage and contain trace amounts of cyanide.
#45 Passionfruit
No, Pugs can’t eat passionfruit. The most common types that are sold in stores are purple, gold and yellow.
The unripened form of the rind and flesh can be toxic to both pets and humans.
#46 Peach
Yes, peaches are safe for Pugs to eat, but you should proceed with caution. Peaches are a great source of vitamins A, C, and fiber.
#47 Pear
Yes, Pugs can eat pears, and they can make a great healthy snack when fed in moderation. Pear seeds contain traces of cyanide and should never be fed to your pooch.
#48 Persimmon
Not Sure, if Pugs can eat persimmons. The fruit is not toxic, not even the seeds or pit.
If you do feed your Pug persimmons, make sure you remove the seeds and pit and monitor your dog closely.
#49 Plantain
Yes, Pugs can eat plantains, which are similar to bananas, however, they must be cooked prior to eating.
Avoid exposing your pooch to a plant called plantains as it is extremely toxic and dangerous for dogs.
#50 Plum
No, Pugs can’t eat plums. This fruit makes a tasty treat for you and me, but the pits can be toxic to pets.
While the fleshy part is not toxic, it is considered high in sugar and not recommended for pets.
#51 Pineapple
Yes, raw pineapple is safe for Pugs. It is high in fiber and contains a good amount of natural sugar.
Don’t feed your pooch the core, or spiny skin as it causes cause digestive issues.
#52 Pomegranate
Yes, Pugs can eat pomegranate and are NOT toxic to dogs. This fruit has many health benefits for dogs. They are rich in fiber, potassium, folic acid, antioxidants, and vitamin C.
#53 Pomelo
Yes, pomelo is safe for Pugs. It does, however, contain high levels of sugar, so make sure you don’t feed your dog too much.
#54 Quince
No, Pugs can’t eat quince. Although this fruit is a great source of vitamin C, the seeds are toxic to both dogs and humans.
#55 Raspberry
Yes, Pugs can eat raspberries, and these berries are extremely beneficial for dogs. This fruit is low in calories, sugar, and high in fiber, vitamin C, and manganese.
#56 Rambutan
No, you shouldn’t feed your Pug this hairy fruit with a hard shell. Even though it does have a lot of health benefits for your dog, it is extremely toxic for dogs.
The rambutan seeds contain cyanide and can expose your pooch to cyanide poisoning.
#57 Redcurrants
No, you shouldn’t feed your Pug redcurrants. This fruit belongs to a group of plants (genus Ribes) which are known to be toxic to pets.
Avoid feeding your dog True currants, including the white and black currants.
#58 Salal
Not sure, if Pugs can eat Salal berries. These berries are not talked about much and are loaded with flavonoids, antioxidants, and vitamin C.
Personally, I would avoid feeding your dog this fruit, until you know that there are no side effects.
#59 Starfruit
No, Pugs cannot eat starfruit, as this fruit can cause acute kidney failure in canines.
Small dog breeds and overweight dogs are more susceptible to star fruit poisoning. If your dog eats any part of this fruit, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
#60 Strawberry
Yes, Pugs can eat strawberries and they make a great low-calorie, sweet treat for your dog. Strawberries are full of antioxidants, high in fiber, and vitamin C.
Not only that, but strawberries can help whiten your dog’s teeth!
#61 Tomato
Yes, Pugs can eat tomatoes, but there are some exceptions. There are some types of tomatoes that can be toxic to Pugs, I highly recommend reading my article are tomatoes safe for Pugs.
#62 Ugli Fruit
No, Pugs can’t eat ugly fruit. It is a cross between a mandarin orange and a grapefruit, however, it has a tangy bitter taste that most dogs won’t like.
#63 Watermelon
Yes, watermelon is safe for Pugs to eat. In fact, this is a great summer treat to help keep your Pug hydrated.
Just make sure that you remove the seeds as they can cause intestinal blockage.
Fruits Puts Can’t Eat
Here’s a table of fruits that you should NEVER feed your dogs. I’ve covered them above, but this table can be used as a quick reference.
All the fruits listed on this table are ones that should NEVER or we’re not sure if they’re pet-friendly.
Fruit | Can’t Eat / Not Sure |
Avocados | NO |
Bilberry | Not Sure |
Cherimoya | Not Sure |
Cherries | No |
Currants | No |
Damson | Not Sure |
Durian | Not Sure |
Elderberry | No |
Gooseberries | No |
Grapes | No |
Huckleberry | Not Sure |
Jabuticaba | Not Sure |
Jackfruit | Not Sure |
Jambul | Not Sure |
Juniper Berry | No |
Kumquat | Not Sure |
Lemons | No |
Limes | No |
Loquat | Not Sure |
Marionberries | No |
Miracle Fruit | Not Sure |
Passionfruit | No |
Plums | No |
Quince | No |
Rambutan | No |
Redcurrants | No |
Salal | Not Sure |
Starfruit | No |
Ugli Fruit | No |
How To Feed Your Pug Fruit Safely
If possible feed your dog organic fruit, as there is a less likely chance for your dog to come into contact with pesticides that can harm them.
No matter what type of fruit you’re feeding your dog it’s important to follow these steps.
Wash It Thoroughly: Always wash the fruit thoroughly before feeding it to your pooch.
Cut In Small Pieces: NEVER give your dog a whole piece of fruit. Make sure you cut it up into small bite-size pieces.
Avoid The Seeds: The seeds from apples, cherries, and etc contain traces of cyanide and you should avoid feeding them to your dog.
Don’t Overfeed Them: Your dog’s diet should consist of 10% treats and snacks. The rest of the time, they should be getting consuming high-quality dog food.
Monitor Them: Never feed your dog any type of fruit, unless you can safely monitor them while they are eating it. Some dogs may have sensitivities and it’s important to monitor your pooch for any allergic reactions.
Final Take Away
Every Pug owner should know that this breed loves to eat. As I mentioned, there’s nothing wrong with giving them small pieces of fruit or veggies as an occasional treat.
As always, consult with your veterinarian before adding or making any changes to your Pug diet plan.
References And Further Reading
Rhyze – Cherimoya Fruit For Pets
ASPCA – Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List For Dogs